Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011


With all services centralized in a single location, it will be easier for applicants to get information on permit procedures and the time and expenses needed.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


My parents reminded me to stick to what I have chosen.

Despite the lack of basic infrastructure and development, they were innocently happy with their lives.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


I am glad.
He expressed hope that his parents could accept him 

and would not treat his ... as a child anymore. 

Therefore, as of today, S deserves her new name to be M.
When I was born, I was named X.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


I do not know the deal yet.
I do not know her schedule now.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Seem died

They seemed to know what they were doing, despite having no prior recording experience. 

He has died from diabetes at his residence in Bandung.
He is survived by his wife and two children.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

No paper

In connection with the celebration of christmas, 

the jp will not be published on sunday, dec 25, 2011, 

and will resume publication on Monday. 

Readers can follow the latest news updates on during the holiday.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


It is my personal interest to run.
Colleagues at the central board, in the provinces, and the public have all supported me. 

I have responded to their trust by applying through this candidacy.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


We failed to celebrate Christmas in our legally own church again.
What is also disappointing is that 

the mayor allowed those radical groups to intimidate us.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


Moments with my family are priceless.
If I have to choose, I will choose my family.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


I have chosen to serve a full time mission for jc and his latter day saints.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


This is our way of showing our commitment to making sure that 

those values are well preserved.

We have also prepared personell to guard churches to provide security to worshipers during Christmas celebrations.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


My devotion and loyalty is only to X, not the party.
When I am constantly vilified, I will quit this party. 

When I am humiliated, I will walk out from the party.
I am profesional, I am just like Bc. 

Powered by my deepest Heart®


I considered her behavior as a lover to be intolerable

and I have decided to leave her.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

consider + V1

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


I get annoyed if I am forced to do any other thing during those two hours.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011


Should anyone be asked for money
by a police officer,
he or she must report it. 

They are afraid of being extorted
which could be much more expensive than the value of stolen items.

The burglar stole many belongings from her house.
I pay may taxes to pay for their salary. 

They are obliged to serve me for no extra cost at all.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


There are indications
that the pair are having a personal relationship
and we are investigating this now.
We have prevented a conflict of interest from occurring.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


prevent ....from ...v+ing


The person in the photo
in the article X on page 8
on december 19 is A, not Bm 

This is the correct photo of A accepting his award.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


Her previous two marriages ended in divorce.
The ceremony was restricted
guests of the bride and groom.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


I am very happy and thankful.
I still can't believe this
because it is my first film
and I have already received an award for it.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


Photography is my other passion.
I was even sadder
when I watched local people
wearing paper instead of the original accecories. 

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Senin, 19 Desember 2011


Psychologically I am depressed.
I am sick. 

My nose is often bleeding
and my stomach is in pain.

I am the victim and not guilty in the case.
My business partner disappeared
and could not be contacted.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


Cabin crew pose in front of aircraft
prior to the airplane's inaugural flight
at soeta airport recently.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


I have always been associated with her,
but I have never really taken the rumor seriously.
Everyone is entitled to like someone else,
but we are just friends.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011


The high price
has made LNG imports less favorable for us
because it will be a huge burden for our company. 

1.5 mtpa was the minimum amount
that should be filled to allow the terminal
to operate economically.
We will find the remaining 1.5 m.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


My relationship has never been friendly.
I have always been reluctant
to invest in the Indonesian market.
I have to look in the mirror
when contemplating why X have no interest at all
in building factories in the country.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


I am planning a European holiday
to celebrate my birthday. 

I am planning to visit s for my birthday.
The only thing I can think about in Jakarta is work.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


Life is about making choices,
and I have made mine. 

This dishonorable discharge
means I will not be entitled to use briptu first bridge
in my name any longer.

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Singing presenting

As for my career, I will continue my path in becoming a presenter.
To tell you the truth, I actually love singing better than presenting.

I just don't like the music industry.
Just like other businesses, music will have to compromise with the market at the end of the day.
I just can not do that because to me, singing should come from the heart.

That is why I choose presenting jobs to earn my living.
Singing in corporate events is painful to me because you will keep singing the same old songs.

I get bored singing the same songs again and again.
If I really had to earn money from singing

I would choose to sing in hotel lounges and wedding parties 

because the audience is more appreciative.
No matter what songs you pick, people in the lounge will applaud.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


no matter what ... , ...will ..


As an Indonesian citizen,
I feel ashamed with this blocade. 

This is a delay intention.
I wanted to wear a hijab
after returning from the pilgrimage to mecca,
but it was suspended

Finally, I did what I intended before.

Powered by my deepest Heart®


We are currently investigating the case. 

Since it is still a preliminary investigation

we have yet to name any suspect in the case. 

Due to the legal process, he was dishonorably discharged from his position in December last year. 

Powered by my deepest Heart®

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


He is irreplaceable. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Some performers would like to wear c,
but they will not go against the wishes of their producers.

In this industry, you fight for every dollar you can make,
because when you get into this industry,
it is hard to get out and make a normal living

because your face is everywhere as someone
who's done p.


I informed O's management
about my plan to assume a new position
at I beforehand.

The decision was purely based on my intention
to progress in my career.

My new position requires me
to work both in front of and behind the camera.
As of dec. 1 I officially joined I.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Provide Details & Touch

We can not provide more details on this
because our investigation is stil underway.

I am here as a guest.
As a mother I am deeply touched by the song.

Simple Party

S married jazz musician AZ in Bandung, west Java.
I want a simple wedding party
with a small number of guests,
including my close relatives and friends.

As a musician, I do not know any other way
I can support my country except through the talent I have.

Listen & Personal

Everybody needs a friend to listen to them.
We are all people and we all have things
that we do not want to reveal in public.

How we do get them to open?
You can only do that
by showing the true nature of your heart.

That is what I do,
to speak to them from the heart,
using empathy.
I want to be sincere with them.

Congratulation Wedding

Congratulations on your wedding,
Amry & Marry

SCT Corporation
Wishes you a wonderful start of a new phase,
and may your life together
be filled with love and joy!
Amry (Bridegroom) – Marry (Bride)

Saturday 12 Nov 11

Holy Matrimony
8:00 AM At. Yakobus Church
Jln Pulo Bira Besar Kompleks TNI-AL
Kodamar Jakarta Utara

Dinner Reception
7:00 PM Ritz Carlton Pasific Place
Ballroom One & Two
Jln. Jenderal Sudirman Jakarta

 In cooperation, S & G Group
are doing business in the Indonesian Palm Industry.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Terminate Contract

I also hope that 

those companies pay attention to residents
living near their operation areas.

I expect BP Migas to supervise very closely
whether they fulfill their commitments or not.

If they fail to perform,
we will terminate the contracts.


 whether ...or not


This is not my victory.
This is a victory for everyone
who strives for fairness before the law.

Finally the truth has prevailed.
I want to spend some time alone in prayer.

The medical records show there was no evidence
of sexual harrassment on her body.

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Worry pregnant

Thank God, she is three months pregnant.
I worry something could go wrong.

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Effective Agreement

The agreement will be effective for 2 years
starting tuesday with a possibility to extend.

Senin, 14 November 2011


As long as  it is halal and she enjoys it,
then I will totally support it.

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Sorry for What happened

We’re sorry for what happened
and hope people will understand
why we did it.

Short term pain is unavoidable,
but the medicine must not kill the patient.

Kamis, 10 November 2011


There were too many shows
to focus on my studies,
so I had to give it up.

I can work like a chameleon.
It all depends on what they want.


He donated a slaughter cow
on behalf of himself and his family.
His girl-friend has also donated one cow here.

Once the market is open wide
and the problem is solved
I am always moved somewhere else.
You need to have passion
for what you do
and do not expect instant returns


The meeting discussed general conditions
and issues faced by Indonesia
compared to other countries
as I just traveled to various places.

Due to the enormous number of mosque-goers,
some Muslims were forced to pray
in front of Protestant Church and Catholic Church.


I always make sure
that my son’s needs are fulfilled.
I will do whatever it takes
to be the wedding singer.

I think one day not going to campus
is fine.
This won’t happen twice.
I would not miss it.


I think .... is ..


Repeated calls to the Telkomsel Presdir
weren’t answered.

We have sent a notice to all parties
to assure them that the strike is within the law.

To assure (S) that ..... is ....

Minggu, 06 November 2011


A & B
with the Board of Directors of SCI
Hereby extend our highest gratitude and appreciation
His excellency XX
The President of
for the opportunities given to the Board of SC PLC
During the recent visit in Jakarta

Never speak

I will inform you
when the time comes.
I will never speak on that matter.
It will just bring disgrace to the family.

I do not know
when she will give birth.

After two years as minister,
I am sure I do not have any legal problems
related to my duties as minster.


All other parties
who cannot be named one by one.
The family of the deceased
would like to take this opportunity
to ask your honest and sincere forgiveness
for any wrongdoing of the deceased,
whether intended or not.
Our prayer is that
Allah Swt returns all your goodness
with His abundant blessing.
On behalf of those who are mourning.


She has seperated from her husband.
After 2 years of marriage.
It is not known
why the couple is seperating.


She has decided to end
her four-year marriage to husband X
after mulling the decision over for a year.
They have made this decision together
after one year of discussion.
So this is not a sudden decision
but came after a long process.
So far we have not spoken
about the existence of third person
or child issues.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


The Management and Staf of
express our deepest condolences
on the passing of XXX
22 March 1970 - 30 October 2011

Co-head of Global Markets H in Indonesia
"May he rest in peace"

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


I do not have the ambition
to become famous.
I just want to channel my frustration
and people’s complaints
into a joint movement.
to channel ...into 


I apologize to tourists
because the palace will be closed
to tourists through the wedding process.
The preparations are 99 percent ready.
We just need to make sure.


I was indeed disappointed,
but I was not sad.
We can not judge the book
by its cover.
The title is religious tolerance
but I can not find in the bill
what that really means.


I have faith in him
because I have seen how his eagerness
helps him realize his goals.
There is indeed intervention,
but he will try to manage it
as much as possible.

Confident MW

After getting bussy with some training,
I am confident I can compete
with other participants
from 118 countries.
These days,
I spend most of my free time at home.
I realize that the swimming suit choice
is still controversial in our country.

I know Indonesia has never made it
into the top 15 of the MW competition
but I believe that
God can make everything possible.


At the core of my disappointment
is my perception of a lack of appreciation
for my past contribution.
I am not seeking recognition or respect.
At some point,
I have to make sacrifices
in order to achieve my dream.
I do not to blame anything
or anybody for this.
Many people have expressed their great ideas,
but no real applied plan.
What I am doing right now
is establishing a better me.
Frankly speaking, I do not take into account
what people think
or say behind my back.
Let the facts speak for themselves.
I carefully consider
which mountain or valley
I will cross through my journey.
I value the process
and I want to reach the top
in my own style.

When you love something that you do,
you give it your all.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011


The movie is costly
because it will be shot
at several sites overseas.

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


MS from central Java
wins the beauty peagant
during the final competition
at the Plenary Hall, JCC,
in Central Jakarta on Friday night.


With deepest symphaty
and heartfelt condolences to the family of


Beloved mother of YYY

(Customer Relations and hospitality division)

 Who passed away peacefully
on Oct 10th, 2011

The Staff and Management of MMM.


The support means a lot for us.
It encourages us and reminds us
that we are not alone.


The Chatolic church
is literally losing its future
and the loss of women and young people
is the most important driver.


To be honest with you,
we are getting tired
of asking the minister about the matter.

All we get are promises.
We are making sure that all the data is valid.


In my three months of preparation,
I started with character building,
public speaking, and piano classes.

I hope the prayers of the Indonesian people
are with me.

Kind in heart

She is young.
She is warm and kind in heart.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011


I used to work in an investment company,
and also in marketing for a hotel in Jakarta,
but I did not really enjoy either job.

Can you name five things you love about your job?
The promising income obviously.
The flexibility of the work hours.
I love that the occupation
gives me more of an opportunity
to explore my creativity,
so I will not ever get bored.

The huge network.
A large network means
more friend and more jobs.
And last but not least,
I will never run out of work.
Events like weddings, model photo shoots,
and movie productions
all need makeup artists.

Does the price make a big difference in the final result ?
Price does not lie.
Sad to say, but yes it does.
Expensive products
do offer higher quality materials.

But I know
not everyone can afford expensive products.
I try to be creative
in mixing higher quality products
with cheaper products.

Creativity s the most important factor
in the final result.

I often ask by companies
to give beauty classes for employe,
especially those who work
in the hospitality industry.


We are thankful for the victory
and hopefully I will be able
to continue serving the people of Yogyakarta.


Yes, congratulations.
I wish him success
in his new profession.
May be he is more suited
to that profession.
This will not affect the national team.
We need to be firm.
No one is special. So, goodbye.

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


The Management & Staff of ...
wish to congratulate

our photographer, on her marriage to
on Oct. 9, 2011 in Jakarta

May God bless your home
and hearts with happiness.

The Management and Staff of ...

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011


Even I have been banned before.
Besides, everyone has their own opinions.


We are planning to begin construction
at the end of the year.
As the President,
I reserve the privilege
to apoint my ministers.
I will only involve the VP to offer input.
We are still working on the reshuffle plan.
The information is not from me.
I do not know about those names.
Many people were angry with me
and I think some are still upset.


Mandala will be ready to fly again
once it receives the necessary permits
from the government.
We are preparing the necessary funds
for our operation costs
and aircraft purchases.


There is no need to panic,
but we need to remain vigilant. (waspada)


I am not going to tell everyone my problems.
That is why
we have doors and locks,
and curtains on the windows.
There are some things in life
that are meant to kept private.
Otherwise we would all
live on a soccer field.
She spent much of her youth abroad,
including in NY and London,
due to her father’s banking career.
She remained consistent
in differentiiating
between her professional and public lives,
including in never inviting infotainment journalist
into her home.