Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

New Era

I'm now entering a new era.
It's new for me, but i should face it.
My family and I have been prepared to deal with these kinds of things, including those which hurt my feelings.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


This is a present for my one and only daughter.
I hope the public will respond positively to this song.


Instead of receiving gifts on her birthday, she gives them.

Second Love

They seem to share the same belief that there is always a second chance for love.
The couple is now in the process of amending their broken marriage after both agreed to seperate early last year.
They are waiting on the local authorities to process the papers and documents required to annul their divorce status.
The couple filed for divorce after six years of marriage, citing irreoncilable differences.
They have 2 chidren form the marriage.

Waiting result

As far as I know, they have gone to a notary and are waiting results from the Supreme Court.

Wed quietly

A & his wife B are officially first time parents.
Their daughter Cila was born in New York on May8, People magazine said.

A & B began dating in June 2007.
The duo wed quietly last June.


When I see him, I never consider him a sick person.
I talk to him as usual, and sometimes make jokes.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011


He performs a pantomime to commemorate the fifth anniversay of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake in Yogyakarta on Thursday.
The 5.9-magnitude quake killed about 6.000 people.


Thank God.
We finally meet.
I am happy for sure.

Run Away

The 17 year old ran away from home at the end 0f 2010 because she could not stand the constant fighting with her parents.
She accused her mother of forcing her into an arranged marriage with a businessman.
She also told media that her mother had exploited her by forcing her to sign film contracts.
Theparents however have denied such assucations.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Never plan

I never plan this.
I have to work hard because acting is not my expertise.

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


This is not goodbye.
This is until we meet again.
I have such mixed feelings about it.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

New Scene

I was a bit nervous at first, but after a while we got used to it.
We kind of enjoy it now.


Students celebrate their graduation by writing their names along with messages on their school uniforms.
The graduation rate this year is 99.5% for regular high schools and  99,8% for vocational schools.


Sometimes I turn down offers.
I don’t take them all, I try not to be greedy.
Maybe because I am finishing school, I don’t have many jobs.

Passing grade

I would be very glad if the passing rate was calculated only from the national exam score.

Talk Show

I feel the love and I thank you for it.
Thank you for being a part of this great night.
You have made it possible for us to stand for 25 years.


He was called home to be with the Lord on May 13, 2011.

Our deepest condolences to the family for the loss of X on Friday, 13 May 2011 in Singapore.

May God grant fortitude and strength to the bereaved family.

Talk show

She fights for things she believes in, even if it makes her unpopular.
Not many people will have the chance to experience this.


She deliver the twins on Saturday morning.
No names have been announced yet for the babies.

Broken heart

A broken heart hasn’t stopped her from remaining good friends with former boyfriend actor S.
The two recently announced they had broken up after dating for less than a year.
Despite their breakup, she said that they were still in touch.
She will not let the cat out of the bag when asked why they broke up.


I have received a lot of compliments on my work.
I'm just happy.
I don't see this as a side job.
I'm loving life in fashion industry.
My singing has not been dirsrupted. 

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Broken hart

We are still in contact.
 I cant’t discuss it.
It’s too personal.
All I can say is we settled things amicably.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


What I can conclude from my tough journey through life is that I'm a lucky man.
God had a special plan behind my failure.

My battle against drug addiction wasn't an easy one.
I went to through several hospitalization, house isolation, and tried alternative medicine.


The Court rejected on Wednesay his request for a divorce.
He filed for a divorce from his wife, X, with whom he had been married for 52 years in March.

His request for seperation was filed following his affair with a designer.
The couple was married under religious law in 2010.

The judge decided to deny the recent request because of a lack of evidence.
There is no proof or witnesses who can support the existence of conflict between them during their marriage.

Before having an affair with P, he was also in relationship with singer MM in the late 1990s.



We wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of ...
Our deepest condolences to the family for the losses of ..


The national carrier suffered financial losses totaling Rp. 183.56 billion in the first quarter of 2011 due to surge in fuel prices.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


Know what you want, so you know where to find it.
Marriage is not only a ritual uniting two people in love, buat also a means to confirm the economic status of the couple and their families in societies.


Ahmad, a TV reporter since 2007, is survived by his wife and 4-year-old twin sons.


I am preparing myself mentally and practicing my singing


Search and rescue workers have recovered the bodies of 20 of the 27 people on board the aircraft.

Working = serving

What one faces in reality completely differs from the theory learned at university.
It will become a pleasent activity if they are aware of whom they are serving.
Children can face their future with confidence.
Teaching children with special needs is a noble call.


I have no high hopes or wishes
I learned a lot from my father, including Javanese philosophy.

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


They saw their children united in an engagement ceremony, held Wednesday evening in Jakarta.
EI the youngest son of S, pledege to wed SRA, H’s daughter.

This is a family affair.
Love is God’s business, human being cannot interfere.
We must respect it and not trying to link everything with politics.
This is not politics, this is a coalition of love.

I, a graduate of Curtin University of Technology in Perth.
A graduated from from ITB. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in London.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


I am very thrilled and also shocked.
I was still in the parking lot when they called my name.


I’m serious about it.
It is my passion.
And it is my moment.
You only get your one moment.
You never know when the next moment is going to happen.


We don’t need to act.
What I do is just the usual.
I will try to act well.
If there is criticism, hopefully it won’t attact me.


He is survived by 12 children from his three marriages.
He had two children from his first wife Tand six from his second wife R.
He had none with his third wife P.
The four other children were adopted.


I don't want to die in hospital.
I want to die at home.
If no one takes me home, I will walk home.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011


He has committed suicided.
He chose to end his life after concluding that he was suffering from an incurable degenerative disesase, affecting his memory and ability to communicate. 


Every morning I get up at 5.30 or 6 a.m.
This is because of my current jobs.

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011


Senior musician VL, popularly known IW, is back on campus.
Being almost 50 does not stop IW from returning to campus.


As a singer, I feel proud because that longing  (toward campus) has been answered.
According to the plan, there will be five campus.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


It has recommended that the government appoint PNA as operator starting May 7 this year.
The final decision has not been made yet.

Proper education

This is very important
We have to pay attention to these kids and give them a proper education.

It is easy because I have already prepared all the material.


Former childstar AH, popularly known as TT, has decided to switch career.


This is the correct photo which should have been published alongside the story in yesterday's edition of JP page 28.
We regret for the error.

Give Birth

Singer MC on Saturday gave birth to twins, delivering a boy and a girl.
The babies weigh over 5 pounds each, and the girls is 18 inches long while the boy is 19 inches.
The names of the children were not immediately known.

They were married on April 30, 2008.


They have insulted us on Twitter with rude and unethical words.


Singer BP has been reported to the police for posting offensive tweets about a club in Bali.
They filed a police report against BP last Friday for his inappropriate comments about the club.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011


In my leisure time, I play games and go cycling.
When I was a kid, I often played on the railroad and muddy pools.
I was just a kampoeng kid.

Things are different these days.
I am tired after work, so I just want to stay home or do my hobbies.

Nowdays I only go to nightclubs to DJ.
Being a DJ is something I really enjoy.
At first I just watched him play, but as time went by I became more and more interested.

So far, my parents trust me and have given me freedom so long as I can draw a line when drinking and staying away from drugs. 


Every area has its own uniqueness.
Promoting and preserving a unique and rich Indonesian heritage needs to be a continuous effort.


I am very interested in acting.
Once I have the basics, I will be comfortable acting in a movie.
There have been some offers, but I have rejected them because I don't feel good about the roles.