Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011


Office Relocation Notice

Dear Valued Business Partners,

We are pleased to inform you
that our Jakarta Representative Office
will move from ...
to the following address effective from Thursday,
Sepetember 1, 2011:

Telephone: ...(no change)
Facsimile: ... (no change)
Thank you very much for your kind attention
and continuous support.

Sincerely yours,
Board of Directors

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Home person

Actually, I am a home person.
I do not go out too often
except for work.
I hardly ever go out to shopping malls
during my leisure time.
I go to malls only when I have work to do,
or if I am looking for something
that I can only find there.

My favorite place
to spend my leisure time on Sunday is at home.
I love reading books, surfing internet,
or downloading the latest songs.
I also use my free time
to meet with my friends
or give myself the opportunity to sleep and take a rest.
I mostly read fiction and literature.
Recently I just finished reading two books.
There are times
when I take three or five days off just to go
on a short vacation.

But most of the time ,
I can not plan my holiday in advance.
I will just quickly pick a certain destination
and book a flight.
I also have some friends
who are willing to travel together with me at any time.
However, the traffic jams along the way,
making me reluctant to go there.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011


We wish to express our deepest condolences
on the passing of
our former Managing Editor,on Sunday, August 21, 2011
in Jakarta.
The funeral took place on Sunday in Jakarta
May God Almight bless and keep him always.
with deepest sympathy
The entire Board of Directors,
Management, and Staff of
Express our deepest condolences
for the demise of
Age: 88 years
Gusband of :
Father of:
On Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The wake is held
at Atmajaya Funeral Home Pluit, Jakarta.
May the family who is left behind
will always be granted fortitude
and strength in faith.


He tones down his eating in the fasting month.
But I do not dare wake him up for sahur,
because he sleeps very soundly.

They embrace different religions

He respects me and often reminds me,
although he does not fast.
Although we have different faiths,
he is very respectful.

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011


People can respond as they like.
What is sure that I want to keep on working
with a good concept.

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011


That didn't happen.
What should I be angry for.

Waste time

Don't waste your time 
and life for nothing.


We do realize 
that the service is far from ideal,
but we will keep making improvements.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011


It is not a secret that corruption occurs 
because of pressure due to family needs.
Remember that corruption is driven by need or by greed.


If I have the time,
I will go to the gym by motorcycle 
early in the morning.
It is really a great time,
although it is actually just an ordinary trip.

Usually I play computer games at night 
after the boys go to bed.


I am a true homebody.
I spend my leisure time in my bedroom, 
reading or playing with my iPad.
Sometimes I just lay on my bed, resting.

When I am reading a good book,
I can stay in my bedroom for hours.

Sometimes, when I have nothing to do for two days,
I will just stay in room during this two days.

My wife and my son are both DJs 
who go out to work at night.

They understand that I like sleeping 
more than watching their performances.

In the past 
I was willing to go clubbing to watch them.
But now, 
I fell no inclination to go out late at night anymore.

Books have become my best company,
both in my busy and quiet days.

I could only work for 3 days and have personal time for the remaining 3 days.
Instead of going clubbing,
I usually just stayed in my room 
or went to a park to read.

When our family have time for a vacation,
we go together but this is not something obligatory.

Maybe he considers acting in a film 
is an entertaining activity.

My favorite vacation destination is Europe.
I like the ambience of the country.
It’s classy and romantic.

London makes me feels too formal.
America forces me to look rich.
The Netherlands makes me feel old.
France to my delight, 
makes me feel beautiful.


I must admit that I cannot cook.
Everytime I am in the kitchen I am sort of thinking.

I am lucky  he does not mind that I cannot cook
Here, we get a headache if we go to a park
because of the air pollution and garbage all around.


This is the first time that I will  sing jazz in a mosque,
and what is more this is Ramadhan.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


I am just doing my job 
and nothing else.

I am not the kind of person 
who wants to make the world better.
I think to make world better 
is to make yourself better.

I realized that the piano 
is not my favorite instrument 
when I was in my thirties.
My favorite instrument is the human voice.
It is very expressive, very versatile
very personal.


I am so amazed.
I did not expect  this kind of response.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Transfer skill

We definitely see her 
as a maestro level artist,
so the technique of her greatness' 
should be transffered to the next generation.

Join ceremony

I hope  every minister 
can join all the series of ceremonies
to celebrate Independency Day usually until August 20.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Still same

The schedule is still the same,
but mostly on air.
People do not organize off-air shows,
they do tarawih evening prayer.
I have not missed fasting so far.