Senin, 26 September 2011


For and on behalf of our client X
(hereinafter reffered to as ”X”),

It is hereby notified to the public
and other parties at home and overseas
that at present,
there has been a party calling itself as ..

Which illegaly and without rights,
used the name and attributes of ..
Whereas in fact,
Y is not registered
as a subsidiary, affiliate, and joint venture of ..

In relation to the aforementioned matter,
we warn the public and other parties
to be careful and cautious
on all forms abusing the name of X
carried out by the aforementioned party.
We hereby warn the parties
which have abused the name of X
illegally and without rights
to cease all of the illegal acts,
otherwise X shall take
criminal and civil legal measure
against the aforementioned parties.


Mayor demands apology
for news report.

He is demanding an apology
and if not fulfilled,
threatening to sue
over a news article about him
that he says was biased and tendentious.

No longer

I tendered my resignation
from the Mobile Brigade.
My resignation is not related
to my career in the music world.

I decided to resign
because I no longer want
to be  a MB officer.


A senior model and actrees
who owns modeling school
is busy filming a soap opera.

It was really sad, thought,
but I can not complain.
This is my job,
so I have to go with it
and enjoy it.

For me, the most important thing is
that I can spend time together
with my beloved family.

Still evaluating

The president is still evaluating
ministers’ performances.
I do not know
if it would end
with a cabinet reshuffle.

The president is aware
of the recent situation.
He will consider
and decide what is best.
I think president is not obliged
to hold such meetings
because it is his authority
to determine his aides.

Still working on

She is now in the process
of working on an album
in London and Los Angeles.
We have received information
that Dewi is ill
and is currently being treated at a hospital.
She has been in hospital since Friday.

Minggu, 25 September 2011


It was just exhaustion.
She is now fine
and already out of the hospital.


He apologizes for his remarks.
I aplogize.
I do not intend to anoy women.

I am sorry because my earlier statement
could easily have been misinterpreted.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

In a hurry

Althoug it was made in a hurry,
the result is good.
Thank God.
They laughed
and seemed to be entertained.


After being hampered by bad weather,
search and rescue workers
recovered the bodies of the pilots
of the ill-fated Susi Air Flight,
which crashed in Biak on Sept. 9 .


That is why I cut my hair short.
This time I am making my own cafe.
The menu is similar
to a restaurant in a five-star hotel.

My first failure happened
when I opened a restaurant in Bali.

The first failure was in Bali in 2007.
Last year,
I established a noodle restaurant in Kemang
which also failed.

Job and money

If the money is good
but it looks like the job depresses me,
I will not go for it.

I prefer small things
that make me happy.


I am the mayor,
the head of the region.
I have the right
to revoke the building permit.

The mayor has given bad education
to Bogor’s residents.
This man is not worthy of the mayoralty.


Look at these people.
They are not Christians
and they are not part of the church’s congregation.

And yet the fully support us.
This is more than a building permit
or building issue.

This is abot the struggle for Indonesia
to be a home for everyone,
regardless of their religion.

Political family

I am here,
not for myself or my family,
but for the people, the nation,
and the party I love so much.

We are political family
but politics has never seperated us.

I never dreamt of being a hero
with a significant contribution to a nation
but I always try
to do a little patiently and honestly.


Our conclusions remain to be determined
and are waiting the results of the investigation.

It all dependson the outcome of the investigation,
which is still underway.

Let’s the investogators collect
all the evidence first.

Making film

Finaly I am making a movie.
The idea of making a film
occured to me when I visited a film festival.

I thought it would be great
if I could make a film.

What does suffering mean anyway
if you are sure that it will pass.


I also apologize
if I could not satisfy all people
and I will continue working
to resolve problems in the country.

 I apologize to all passengers.
Today we will not be operating
because staff are mourning over this accident.

Partner firm

GT International is proud
to announce the official appointment
of its member firm in Indonesia.

GT International is proud
to announce GM & H, led by JG
as the new GT member firm in Indonesia.

Please see our member firm’s details below:


To make it easier,
we scheduled the event on my birthday.

Besides, this is the best day to get married.

For her, this marriage is her third marriage,
while for him, it is his first.

Completion project

Residents attemted to capture the elusive pocong,
but so far their efforts have failed.

She has recently been listed for the third year
in the forbes list
of the world’s 100 most powerful women.

The project, scheduled for completion in 2013,
will include the expansion
of the airport’s passenger terminal and runway.


I also apologize
if anyone disagree with my choices.
This is my choice
and it does not mean
that I am afraid or doubtful.
There is always pressure
and I chose to ignore it.


We are looking at the situation.
If it worsens,
we will have to take certain steps.

Senin, 12 September 2011

In Memoriam

1st Anniversary

In loving memory of


Departed on 9th September 2010

Your  presence is ever near us,
Your love remains with us yet;
You were the kind of person,
Your loved ones will never forget.

Our thought and prayers
are always with you

May you rest in peace.

Your loving husband YYY,
Daughter C & D.


We are very sad to announce
the sudden passing of XXX.

If you would like to express your condolences
please send flowers
to Rumah Duka RSPAD
where requiem mass will be held
at 19:00 on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th.

Personal messages to the family
can be sent to
X leaves behind a wife and two children in Jakarta,
his mother and a brother in Canada.


Whole Family of  ZZZ

With our deepest condolences
Our thought and prayers are be with you


26 July 1941-27 August 2011

Hopefully get a dicent place
together with Him

Hope all fortitude and sincerity
along with your beloved family.

His honesty and wisdom
will lasting forever for state and nation.


It is that time again
to seek your valuable input.

We have included
our 2011 Readership survey form
in today’s copy of The JP.

We would appreciate it very much
if you could take a few minutes
to fill in the form and return it to us.

Your suggestions, comments, and criticism
will be invaluable to us
in improving the quality
of your favorite newspaper.
Thank you.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Thanks Transfer

Thanks the Management of
for the transfer of Waqf of Ssss
to Dompet Duafa

on Tuesday, 23rd August 2011
In Cibinong, Bogor – West Java

Sabtu, 10 September 2011


The fillm is coming out.
Even though I am in the film with a porn star,
that does not mean it is a porno.


It was amazing.
I was so surprised.


I love reading books.
I read all kinds of books.
When I have free time
I usually go to bookstore
and spend my whole day there.

He thougt I was crazy,
spending that much time
reading in book store.
When I did not have a lot of  money
I could not buy many books.
Now that God has given me a larger income,
books are more accesible.

I really love buying books.
I buy books
like I have never bought a book before.
I can spend around Rp. 1 million
each time I go to a bookstore.
My mother will only shake her head ,
may be wondering
what I will do with those books.


Thank God,
our daughter was delivered smooth and safe.
It is a girl weighing 2.95 kilograms.


In terms of salary, it is not much,
but I feel proud
that I can contribute
to the Development of my city.


Information to shareholder
In compliance with the ....
as an attachment of the JSE ...
dated July 19, 2004,
Board of Directors herin announce
that effective since August 26, 2011,
the appointment of PBK as Company Corporate Secretary
will be terminated
and the Board of Directors appoint the following officer
as  Company Corporate Secretary:
Corporate Communication Division
B Building 24th floor
Jln. JS Kav. 1
Jakarta 10220

Jakarta, September 5, 2011
Board of Directors


They had a baby girl on Monday.
He said they named her AAA.
He said she underwent a cesarian sugery
at the hospital, thanking all parties
who helped in the process.
During the birth,
she was accompanied by her mother and her sister.


They were engaged in April this year.
Without providing a date,
he revealed that wedding ceremonies
will be held in Jakarta and Cipanas.


I forgot how long I have not acted in movie,
but I think the last time was in the movie Ketika (2005)
where I played alongside DM.
When I acted in KD
I was the same age as D and A now,
and now I am the parent.


Amid the brouhaha over the honorary degree,
UI remains the best university in Indonesia 
according to the newly published rank 2011 survey.
UI is the only Indonesia university
that passed the top-300 mark
with other top Indonesian universities such
 as UGM, ITB, and Unair
all failing to appear on list.

Kamis, 08 September 2011


Actually I still want to work.
I definetly can not play
in the television soap operas
since filming sometimes last until 4 p.m.

He never says anything me
going back to the film industry,
but I will be the one who feels embarassed
if I arrive home after him.
Who will take care of him
if I work such long hours.

I sincerely want to give more attention
to my marriage
because i do not want to see it fail.
I hope I can be with him
till death do us part.
Currently I am learning about business.
I will definetly run a business that I like.

I want to go to college
but my husband says
experience is more worthwhile.

We usually spend time together and relax.
For me, refreshing time means something
if it is spent in good company.

We also like to just lie around and talk.
We are not into clubbing anymore.
Once we attend a party
and we got sleepy and bored,
so he asked me to go home early.

May be our clubbing days have passed.
Most of my friends are busy
with their working schedules,
while others have married to.


It is very easy to support her.
Just click www
and vote for the Indonesian contestant.

She revealed that X 20,
who has been in Sao Paulo since August 20,
needed votes to enter the semifinal
of the contest features 90 contestants.


He is still in jail
as a result of a scandal video.

Media reported she seemed happy
with the small party
and said she hoped continue her career
in the entertainment industry.


We offer our heartfelt condolences
for the passing on Monday, August 29 of

Aged 57
The father of our receptionist XX.

May God Almighty keep him always.

The Management and Staf of XX


The Board of Directors, Management, and Staf of XX
wish to express our condolences
for the passing of

Aged 94
The mother of our senior editor XX.

The deceased will be burried
at Karet Bivak Cemetery, Central Jakarta
on Saturday at noon.

May God Almighty keep her always.

The Management and Staf of XX

Kamis, 01 September 2011


Justices should not double as lecturers
because a justice’s job is very demanding.
Justices have to deal with a mountain of cases.

We will rearrange the terminals’ function
once development is complete.

We will soon have representatives
in all districts nationwide. 

Economic recovery

It is important to restore economic activity
and create a favorable environment for enterpreneurs,
particularly small and medium-size businesses,
which constitute the main engine of job creation.

We could not afford to raise salaries
or provide subsidies for everybody.
Our help had to be targeted.
So while we helped the neediest,
we excluded others
who were not poor enough to benefit.
This was a tough and unpopular choice.

Out of prison

I would like to share the knowledge with them
because perhaps some of them
want to be tailors or some of them
want to be designers.
And I really do not want them
to be unemployed when they are out of prison.

Strike Pilot

GI would like to address our passengers concerns
over the possible one-day strike action
by some of the airline’s pilots on Thursday, 28 July 2011.
Please be assured that the GI Management
is taking all necessary steps and actions
to ensure that all domestic & international flights
will operate normally on that day.

Customer satisfaction
is the focus of everything we do at GI, 
and we appreciate your continued support and understanding.