Senin, 17 Januari 2022






















An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck West Sumatra near Pariaman,on Monday

A 6.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the western parts of Java Island on Friday.

 An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 rattled Maguindanao province.

 An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck West Sumatra near Pariaman,on Monday

A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Sumatra


a 6.6 magnitude earthquake

The strongest of aftershocks was recorded at 5.7 magnitudes at 4.49 p.m.

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck some 74 kilometers southeast from Kuta at 4:36pm.

A magnitude 5.5 earthquake hit Nias, in North Sumatra just before midnight at 23:35

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 jolted Liwa of Lampung in the early hours of Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 02:46 local time.

The Agency confirmed an updated parameter at a magnitude of 4.9.

A powerful earthquake of 6.7 magnitudes, which was updated to 6.5 magnitudes, rocked Bengkulu and its vicinity at 21:31 local time, Tuesday, August 23, 2022.

An earthquake (which was) measured magnitude 5.2 on the Richter scale had struck the Mentawai Islands in West Sumatra.



The quake occurred at 2:25 p.m. local time (06:25 GMT).

The shallow quake occurred in the waters off the southwestern coast of Sumatra island, at around 9:30 pm (1430 GMT)





The quake was at a depth of 11.9 km (7.39 miles).

The epicenter of the quake was detected in the Indian Ocean.

at a depth of 40 kilometers.

The quake hit at a depth of 62 km, about 11 km northwest of South Upi town.

The quake’s epicenter came off the coast of West Sumatra, West Nias Regency, 138 kilometers Southwest and 

 The quake’s epicenter came from a depth of 21 kilometers. 

The quake’s epicenter was recorded at a depth of 124 kilometers in the ocean.

The quake’s epicenter was located at 6.34° South Latitude and 103.67° East Longitude, or

precisely at sea 119 kilometers south of Krui City and at a depth of 43 kilometers.

The Agency noted that the quake centered at 5.22 degrees south latitude and 102.95 degrees east longitude and at a depth of 52 kilometers.

The quake’s epicenter was recorded at a depth of 124 kilometers in the ocean.

The quake, just 4 minutes after midnight, was located at 1.00 degrees South Latitude and 98.58 degrees East Longitude and came from 14 kilometers below the ocean surface

It classified it as a 6.5-magnitude quake, and said its epicentre was in the sea about 64 kilometres from shore.




The earthquake was felt in Jakarta and its surrounding cities and regencies, such as Bogor and Depok in West Java.

A strong earthquake struck off of Bali’s coast today, rattling the island and neighboring West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

The tremors were so significant on land that we received reports of Bali residents going outside in search of safety.

The shaking was felt in Liwa areas with an intensity level II of the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale.

It was felt by several people and light objects were swinging.

The tremor was also felt in nearby cities of Cotabato, …

The tremor was felt quite strong for 2-6 seconds causing people to run out of their houses in panic.

The strongest shaking was recorded in Kaur areas at the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) level V.

In Liwa areas, it was at MII level IV-V. The shaking in X, Y, Z, and Enggano was at MMI level IV.

A, B, and C was also jolted at MMI level III-IV, while D, and E at MMI level III.

The tremor was also felt in Bayah areas, F, G, and H at MMI level II-III, as well as in K and L at MMI level II.

We received reports of Bali residents going outside in search of safety.






The earthquake was caused by Anak Krakatau's eruption in the Sunda straits.

This quake is classified as a shallow earthquake caused by cesarean activities in the investigator's fracture zone.

The quake was a tectonic one.

“Taking into account the epicenter and the hypocenter, the quake was a shallow one caused by the subduction activity of the Indo-Australian Plate which subducted under the Eurasian Plate, precisely in the megathrust zone.




Hundreds of buildings in Banten were damaged following earthquake

A house is severely damaged after,

At least 1,100 houses, 13 schools, 14 health facilities, three government office buildings, and four house of worships were damaged following the earthquake.

The tectonic quake will not cause any damage.

 Daryono assured people that the tsunami detection systems were not triggered.

Thankfully, BMKG says there is no potential for a tsunami.

There are no reports of casualties or major damages as of this article’s publication.

The Philippines has frequent seismic activity due to its location along the Pacific "Ring of Fire."



The quake, however, has no tsunami potential.

As of 03:05 local time, the BMKG did not monitor any aftershock.

The earthquake had no potential to trigger a tsunami. As of 22:30 local time, the agency did not monitor any aftershocks.

There is no report of damage until now.

There are no reports of casualties or major damages as of this article’s publication

The agency website explicitly announced that it did not trigger the tsunami warning system.  

It sent people in Bengkulu rushing from their homes,


However no casualties or damages were immediately reported by authorities

No tsunami threat was issued.


The quake sent  people fleeing their homes but with no casualties or damage immediately reported.



Residents are asked to remain calm and not be influenced by baseless issues, as well as avoid cracked or damaged buildings caused by the earthquake.

The agency encouraged local residents to stay alert for possible aftershocks. 






Hundreds of buildings in Banten were damaged following earthquake

A house is severely damaged after a 6.6 magnitude earthquake,

the epicenter of which was detected in the Indian Ocean.

Hundreds of buildings, including houses, places of worships and community health centers (Puskesmas), were damaged in a 6.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the western parts of Java Island on Friday.

The earthquake's epicenter was in the Indian Ocean, near the Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten, at a depth of 40 kilometers and struck at 4.05 p.m. local time, according to the Meteorological Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

It was followed by five aftershocks, the strongest of which was recorded at 5.7 magnitudes at 4.49 p.m.

The BMKG did not issue a tsunami warning.

Pandeglang Regency in Banten, located the closest to the quake’s epicenter, sustained damages.


According data compiled by the regency on Saturday, at least 1,100 houses, 13 schools, 14 health facilities, three government office buildings, and four house of worships were damaged following the earthquake.


In Serang Regency, 16 houses sustained moderate damages, while 36 houses in Lebak Regency were also damaged.


At least nine houses in Sukabumi Regency in West Java and eight houses in Bogor Regency, also in West Java, sustained damages.

The earthquake was felt in Jakarta and its surrounding cities and regencies, such as Bogor and Depok in West Java.


The aftershocks reached West Lampung Regency, Lampung.

In Jakarta, people were seen pouring out of office towers onto Jl. Sudirman during the tremors.

Friday’s quake was shallow, considering the depth of its epicenter.


She added that it had been a tectonic earthquake, unlike the earthquake and tsunami in December 2018,

which was caused by Anak Krakatau's eruption in the Sunda straits.


people in the earthquake-affected areas should remain calm, try not to be influenced by rumors regarding the quake, and get their information from the BMKG’s verified channels.


She added that they should avoid buildings damaged by the earthquake and make sure that their homes or offices were not damaged before reentering them.


“We should also prepare our homes if an earthquake strikes by preparing unobstructed evacuation routes or strong indoor shelter such as sturdy wooden desks on the second floor [and up].

Evacuation points outdoors should be in an open area far from structures that could fall or collapse.

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