Kamis, 21 Februari 2019

Police Award

A police officer has earned a certificate of merit for helping parents transport their convulsing child to a hospital,

the latest award is given to a law enforcer for a contribution to society.
He helped two parents whose 18-month-old baby was suffering convulsions
The baby was suffering convulsions because of high fever.

He was driving his motorcycle when he saw the couple carrying the baby.

They were trying to wave down passing vehicles.

Their attempts were unsuccessful. 
“They asked for help but nobody assisted them.

I saw them and immediately helped them carry the baby to the Pademangan hospital.
He carried the father and the baby to the hospital on his motorbike

while the crying mother awaited.

Alhamdulillah [thank God], once we arrived at the hospital, the baby was immediately treated and saved.

I contacted the father yesterday.
He informed me that the baby had been referred to Hermina Hospital.

Previously, a police officer was awarded for calmly dealing with a tantrum-throwing motorcyclist.

The motorcyclist was being ticketed for traffic violations.

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