Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

Diet & Loose weight

Singer Ailee shed tears while recalling her experience of dieting during the episode of Hidden Singer that aired Sunday. 

Hidden Singer is a TV program in which a pop star and impersonators compete in a singing battle while the audience tries to guess the real singer by listening to their voices only.

During Sunday’s episode, an impersonator said she had lost 15 kg to become a singer after she saw Ailee had lost weight. 

In turn, Ailee opened up about her own experience.

Ailee said she was very unhappy after losing weight. At the time, she weighed 49 to 50 kilograms, but was hungry all day because she could not eat anything. 

“I was saddened by the fact that I had to go on a diet to sing and perform onstage,” she said in tears. 

Ailee also revealed that she could not sing to the best of her abilities after losing so much weight, and described the period as “the most depressing time” in her career. 
“I decided not to care about how I look. I am happy now, and it is more important that I am satisfied with my singing. The most important thing is to love your own body,” she said.
Viewers applauded Ailee’s positive mindset while criticizing social pressure regarding weight loss. 

5 habits to avoid when trying to lose weight

When it comes to losing weight, people often go about their routine without putting much thought into their everyday habits. As a result, losing weight becomes a difficult task. has compiled a list of five habits to avoid when trying to lose weight, as suggested by certified nutritionist Daryl Gioffre.

1. Exercising without eating healthily
Eating healthily is just as important as exercising. This is what it means to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Exercising provides benefits for our metabolism, positivity and immune system. Moreover, it encourages an improvement in other aspects of our routine, such as our diet.
Gioffre suggests that we avoid food containing a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates. They contain fat that increases inflammation, exhaustion and laziness.
2. Eating more than six times a day
Eating every couple of hours causes the body to stimulate the release of insulin to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. However, insulin is known to retain fat and is the main trigger of chronic inflammation.
Chronic inflammation not only leads to tiredness, but also reduces the body’s metabolic capabilities and leaves the body vulnerable to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Gioffre advises eating three big meals a day with sufficient intervals between every meal.
Read also: Five habits before bedtime that may help you lose weight
3. Practicing a tight diet
Oftentimes people purposefully skip breakfast and lunch in order to consume a huge number of calories during dinner. However, according to Gioffre, this is not a habit to follow. Too tight a diet on a daily basis, in fact, slows down the body’s metabolic processes and makes losing weight more troublesome.
A diet such as mentioned above is different from what is called intermittent fasting, where a typical number of calories is taken every day but only for a short period of time. For instance, on a daily basis, one would fast for eight hours. Within these hours, the body uses up all of the glucose for energy before transitioning into fat. Additionally, the rate of insulin remains low, which causes the body to use body fat as fuel.
4. Fully avoiding fat
Contrary to popular belief, our bodies need fat in order to lose weight. Fat allows people to resist the urge to eat and increases the body’s metabolism.
Gioffre recommends consuming at least seven to 10 portions of healthy fat per day. Food like avocados, almonds and macadamia nuts are perfect examples of healthy fat. Refrain from using vegetable oil but rather opt for olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil.
5. Consuming products labelled as “diet”
Don’t be fooled by products that are labelled as “diet”, “low carbo” or “no fat.” These products replace sugar with artificial sweeteners that increase our appetite and hunger.
Additionally, sugar and sodium are used to add flavor but make the product less healthy. Therefore, always choose unprocessed foods or products with minimal processing. (anm/wng)


Eight easy ways to burn calories

It's not all about no pain, no burn. Even the smallest effort can lead to burning more calories. has provided a list of eight easy ways to burn extra calories don't involve sweating at the gym or a rigid eating schedule.It is easy to assume that exercise and diet are the only ways of losing weight. However, even the smallest effort can bring big changes.
1. Laugh out loud
A research involving 45 couples watching comedy films shows that laughter can increase the body’s metabolism by 10 to 20 percent from the increased heart rate while laughing.
2. Drink cold water
Drinking cold water produces internal heat as your body works to maintain its balanced temperature. Research shows that drinking 500 milliliters of cold water can also help increase the calories burned over 90 minutes by 24 to 30 percent.
3. Chew gum
A University of Rhode Island study has found that chewing gum can reduce calorie intake and increase satiety. Gum chewers tend to consume less calories and do not eat extra food during their next meal.
4. Donate blood
The body uses energy to form new proteins, red blood cells and other components to replace the blood we've donated, which burns more calories. But remember that you cannot donate blood every day – your body needs time to replenish your blood supply.
Read also: 5 habits to avoid when trying to lose weight
5. Go shopping
When we shop, we tend to forget that walking is a form of relaxed exercise. Every step taken in a fast walk and in climbing stairs (or escalators) burns a lot of calories. Without a doubt, this is one of the easiest ways to burn calories.
6. Clean house
Just cleaning the windows can burn 65 calories, so imagine how much is burned if the floor, bathroom and living room were also done. Cleaning your house is a way to kill two birds with one stone: the house is clean, and you burn calories.
7. Fidgeting
A recent study has revealed that people who fidget when sitting or standing can burn 5 to 6 times more calories compared to people who are still when sitting and standing. Apparently, an action as simple as tapping your finger on a table can increase calorie burn.
8. Make love
Making love requires a lot of energy, especially if it involves passion. Certain positions burn a certain number of calories. While men burn about 350 calories per hour in the missionary position, women can burn up to 200 calories in 30 minutes in the cowgirl position. (saz/kes)


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