Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Pope AS

The controversy over an alleged high-level cover-up of Church sex abuse in America has revealed a deep rift among US bishops

that reflects both the damage done by the pedophilia scandals rocking the Vatican --

and the country's current political divisiveness.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano  was the Vatican envoy in Washington between 2011 and 2016,

He sparked a firestorm

when he claimed last week that Pope Francis ignored his warnings in 2013 about alleged abuse by then prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

In July, the pontiff accepted the resignation of McCarrick, now 88.

He has been accused of "gravely immoral" behavior with seminarians and priests.

Vigano's claims have raised speculation of a campaign against the pontiff by Church conservatives in the United States,

US  is home to the fourth largest Catholic population in the world.

"It is a time of turmoil for all of us,"

In one camp, cardinals  have rushed to the pontiff's defense, denouncing Vigano as a conservative "ideological warrior."

But other Church figures, such as ... bishops Joseph Strickland of Texas ..

They are joining Cardinal Raymond Burke, a conservative American figurehead in the Vatican, in backing Vigano's claims.


These dissenting voices are a direct result of Francis's tolerance of differing views.

"Because Francis is not inclined to an authoritarian style,

he has allowed a much greater degree of dissent to be expressed openly than his predecessors,

 "People are now speaking for themselves much more than they were used to."

Some experts say the public airing of Vatican intrigue usually kept behind closed doors reflects a polarized America,

and the highly divisive politics that has followed the election of Trump.

"These are extreme positions -- these are not authentic Catholic positions that I think most of us want to hold on to,"

said Frank Clooney of the Harvard Divinity School, referring to calls for the pope's resignation.
"It's a characteristic of our time, in the 21st century, given American politics and European politics,

that now everything is now in the open and bitter,"

With America's Catholic population decreasing -- from 23.9 percent in 2007 to 20.8 percent in 2014,

Church leadership is growing increasingly conservative.

"People on the left say the leadership of the Catholic Church (in the US) has become the 'Republican Party at prayer,'" added Doyle, a theologian who is himself a practicing Catholic.

Some high-ranking clergy have notably focused on religious liberties, the fight against abortion and insurance reimbursement for contraception -- cherished hot-button issues of American conservatives.

"Their most unifying theme is their attack against homosexuality.

," said Doyle.
"You have seen this massive cultural shift in the US about the status of LGBT people

and many people in the Church have tried to say this is a new reality,

and Pope Francis is one who is trying to move the Church towards grappling with a new perspective, new facts,".

"But there is a group of people who see this as this great heresy...

We really are experiencing the polarization in a way that mirrors what's happening in the larger culture."

Traditionalist Church leaders are making their views known now

because with his recent cardinal appointments, Francis is close to reaching a majority who favor his progressive approach,

which could lead to his eventual successor espousing similar views.

the starkly differing views also stem from Church upheaval over recent revelations of a massive pedophilia scandal in Pennsylvania

involving more than 300 priests who are said to have abused more than 1,000 children.

"We are all concerned -- the most left wing, the most right wing and everybody in the middle -- we are all trying to figure out what's next,"


Pope Francis declined to comment on a letter by a former Vatican official

that he had ignored sexual abuse claims against US cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was forced to resign last month.
"I will not say a word about that.

 I think that the communique speaks for itself,"

He pontiff said when questioned by journalists on his plane, flying back to Rome after his visit to Ireland.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is A former Vatican envoy to Washington.

He  wrote in a letter published in the National Catholic Register

He wrote that he had told Francis of the allegations in 2013,

but that he had responded by lifting sanctions imposed on McCarrick by his predecessor pope Benedict.
"He (Pope Francis) knew from at least June 23, 2013, that McCarrick was a serial predator," wrote Vigano,"

adding that "he knew that he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end."
"I read the communique this morning," Francis told reporters, referring to Vigano's letter.
"Read the communique attentively and make your own judgement.
"You have sufficient journalistic capacity to draw conclusions," he went on.
"When a little time has passed and you have the conclusions perhaps I will talk..," he added.
The scandal in the Catholic Church over child sexual abuse by clergy dogged the pontiff's visit at the weekend to Ireland

where he said he "begged for God's forgiveness" for the damage done to the victims.

Pope Francis addresses journalists aboard the plane for his trip to Chile and Peru, on Jan. 15, 2018. 

Everybody in James’s family called him “Uncle Teddy.”
Father Theodore McCarrick was a New Jersey priest, whose charisma and intelligence had already set him on a clear course to rise in the Catholic ecclesiastical hierarchy.

But to James, at age 11, whose story the New York Times reported last month (using only his first name), “Teddy” was a close family friend, an adviser, and a mentor.
He was also, James said, the man who exposed himself to James for the first time when he was 11.

The man, James said, who first molested him when he was 12. 

And the man, James said, who got him drunk, took him to a hotel room, and assaulted him when James was 15.

According to the Times report, James attempted to tell his family of the persistent abuse, only to be met with denial and disbelief.
Since then, McCarrick’s career continued to rise.

In 1986, Father McCarrick became the archbishop of Newark.

In 2000, he became the archbishop of Washington, DC, a particularly prestigious post.

In 2001, he was promoted to cardinal, elevating him to the very highest ranks of Vatican officials.

Even after his retirement in 2006 (archbishops must take mandatory retirement at the age of 75), McCarrick, now 88, remained a valued and vocal member of the Catholic community,

often representing the Catholic perspective in global policy debate.
But last month, Pope Francis accepted McCarrick’s resignation from the College of Cardinals over allegations

that he had sexually harassed and abused minors and young seminarians over the past several decades.

According to a statement released by the Vatican, McCarrick has been instructed to live out a “life of prayer and penance,”

and will have to remain in seclusion pending an ecclesiastical trial.
A resignation by a cardinal is exceedingly rare.

The New York Times reports that the last time a cardinal resigned was in 1927, over political disagreements with the Vatican,

suggesting that the Vatican is taking the allegations of McCarrick’s abuse seriously.
However, this week, a former papal nuncio (a position similar to that of an ambassador) has accused Pope Francis of covering up McCarrick’s misdeeds.

In an open letter published on a number of Catholic websites, Carlo Viganò, a longtime enemy of Francis’s,

wrote that Francis had personally lifted sanctions against McCarrick imposed by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.
Viganò has since called for McCarrick’s resignation.
In June, McCarrick was removed from ministry over the allegation that he had abused an unnamed 16-year-old altar boy in 1971.

A preliminary Vatican investigation found the allegation to be credible.

Then, McCarrick retained his title of cardinal.

However McCarrick’s ouster from the College of Cardinals, as well as the Pope’s decree that he remain in confined seclusion pending trial,

represent a serious intensification of the actions taken against him.
While James told the Times he plans to file reports with police regarding the abuse he experienced,

McCarrick currently faces no criminal charges because the alleged acts are beyond the statute of limitations.
It’s unclear exactly how many people McCarrick is accused of having abused or harassed in total.

The archdiocese of New Jersey settled with two adult victims, who were both seminarians under his tutelage.

Victims’ statements in the settlement documents attest to McCarrick’s habitual sexual relationships with multiple seminarians.

Currently, the altar boy from the 1971 incident and James are the only two accusers who were minors at the time of the alleged abuse.
What makes the McCarrick case particularly striking is 

the degree to which his alleged sexual harassment of adult seminarians (not his abuse of minors) appears to have gone largely unchecked despite documented complaints. 

And despite widespread awareness of his behavior, McCarrick advanced to the highest echelons of the Catholic hierarchy. 

Action against him appears to have only been taken once his child victims came forward.
“Someone, or indeed many someones, needs to be held accountable for this disaster,” 

“And that accountability requires more than self-exculpating statements from the cardinals involved. 

It requires judgment — which requires more certain knowledge — which requires investigation — 

which probably requires an investigator with a mandate from the pope himself.”

McCarrick’s behavior with adult seminarians was an open secret inside and outside of the Church

According to the New York Times, which reported on McCarrick throughout July,

 two separate New Jersey dioceses paid settlements to adults, in 2005 and 2007, over allegations against McCarrick. 

Robert Ciolek, who received one of the settlements, told reporters 

that throughout the 1980s, when McCarrick was the bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey, 

he would frequently take seminarians to his beach house, 

during which one student would be chosen to share a bed with McCarrick. 

In bed, McCarrick would massage their shoulders, or otherwise engage in unwanted touching.
A second seminarian, who asked not to be named in the Times, 

described not only having explicit sexual contact with McCarrick 

but also witnessing McCarrick frequently engaged in sexual behavior with other seminarians and priests under his authority.
“My (Ciolek') observations were that people were disgusted by it,

“There were some who gloried in the attention it brought on them, 

 even if it was screwed-up attention. 

But I don’t remember anyone welcoming it and hoping they would be touched.”
By all accounts, McCarrick’s behavior — with adult seminarians, if not with minors — seems to have been widely known at the top of the church hierarchy, 

even as McCarrick continued to progress in the ranks. 

In 1994, one of the priests 
who would later receive a settlement 

wrote to Edward Hughes, then bishop of Metuchen, McCarrick’s old post, recounting McCarrick’s earlier abuse. 

That unnamed priest, who then also faced accusations of abusing teenagers, 

was given therapy and transferred. 

No action against McCarrick appears to have been taken.
That same year, the Times reports, another religious brother, Robert Hoatson, 

expressed concerns to an unnamed official in the diocese of Newark about rumors he had heard about McCarrick’s behavior with seminarians. 

At that point, McCarrick was archbishop. 

According to Hoatson, the official appeared to confirm the rumors’ veracity, saying, “Oh no, that ended.” 

He claimed McCarrick had ceased his abusive behavior 

after being asked by Bishop James McHugh, an auxiliary bishop at the time, 

and by the papal nuncio (Vatican officials who function like ambassadors).
On several occasions, priests and Catholic laypeople contacted the Vatican directly to express their concerns about McCarrick’s behavior with his seminarians. 

In 2000, before McCarrick’s promotion to the Archdiocese of Washington,

 a concerned bishop, Father Boniface Ramsey contacted the papal nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, directly. 

He said he received no reply to his letter. 

Again, no direct action was taken against McCarrick.
A number of journalists, including the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher and GetReligion’s Julia Duin, say 

they have written about attempting to report on McCarrick’s behavior in the early 2000s, 

only to run up against a series of obstacles.
Dreher told Vox about another effort by prominent Catholic leaders to alert the church to McCarrick’s behavior in advance of his nomination to the diocese of Washington. 

As Dreher told me in an email, 

two well-known Catholic laypeople had gone to Rome in 2000 to warn the Vatican directly about McCarrick’s treatment of seminarians and young priests.
“I phoned the first of the two men. 

He confirmed that he had been on this trip, but wouldn’t talk about it,” Dreher, who was writing for the New York Post at the time, told Vox. 

“When I called the second, he said [referencing a story in the biblical book of Genesis], ‘If that were true, I wouldn’t tell you for the same reason Noah’s sons covered their father in his drunkenness.’ 

In other words,” Dreher adds, “he believed that loyalty to the institution required him to cover up for McCarrick.”
Duin has written publicly about what she saw as the persistent threat of a lawsuit from the church, 

which rendered some of her editors at the Washington Times excessively cautious in encouraging her to go after the story.
In his conversation with Vox, 

Dreher also highlighted what he believed to be a reluctance on the part of newspapers he worked for to pursue stories about McCarrick. 

He believes that some of this reluctance was due to “fear of giving aid and comfort to anti-gay bigots” by appearing to criticize behavior that, 

at that time, might have been perceived as consensual since it was between two adults.
But perhaps the biggest obstacle to bringing McCarrick’s actions to light 

 was the reticence of victims themselves to come forward or go on the record, a point both Duin and Dreher raised.
According to Father James Martin, SJ, an author and Jesuit priest, 

one of the most difficult parts about seeking accountability for McCarrick’s actions with adults is 

that these seminarians and young priests remain professionally, spiritually, and financially beholden to the Catholic Church, 

which may make them reluctant to come forward, even while the wider Catholic child sex abuse scandals rocked the church.
“In the corporate world,” Martin told Vox, “let’s say the harassment happened 10 years ago — the person’s in another company now, right? 

 Well, if you’re still a priest, you’re still in the in the archdiocese, for example. 

You’re afraid to come out against someone who is so powerful. 

You wonder what’s going to happen. 

Will you be labeled as a complainer, a storyteller? 

So I think that’s very difficult for people.”
Only after the allegations that McCarrick had abused the 16-year-old became public did McCarrick’s adult accusers go public.
According to Martin, multiple factors contributed to McCarrick’s ability to operate with impunity for so long. 

For starters, there was the unwillingness of any of his victims — minor or adult — to go directly on the record, out of fear of losing their jobs and careers. 

In addition, he says, within church culture, 

McCarrick’s alleged harassment — especially because it was of adults — was not necessarily seen as meriting immediate punishment.
As Martin puts it, “This [kind of harassment] was often seen as a moral problem, right? 

Not a sickness or a crime. 

And so there was this, you know, sort of misplaced emphasis on forgiveness [rather than punishment].”
Once one alleged victim finally came forward, however — the 16-year-old altar boy referenced in the original Vatican investigation — more accusers came forward. 

Priests who have been aware of the rumors for decades, and who have privately expressed concerns to the Vatican in the past, including Boniface Ramsey, 

have also publicly confirmed a narrative of a sustained cover-up of decades.

Pope Francis’s response to the McCarrick scandal is heartening

Initial responses to the allegations against McCarrick seemed to place the blame 

for McCarrick’s continued career advancement, 

at least in part, on procedural failings in the ecclesiastical system. 

A parish priest can easily be removed from ministry, 

but the process of disciplining a senior member like a cardinal, bishop, or archbishop is much more difficult.
In an open letter released earlier this week, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston wrote,

 “While the Church in the United States has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests 

we must have clearer procedures for cases involving bishops. 

Transparent and consistent protocols are needed to provide justice for the victims 

and to adequately respond to the legitimate indignation of the community.”
McCarrick has maintained his innocence. 

When he initially left active ministry earlier this month, in response to allegations made by the former altar boy, 

he said in a statement: “While I have absolutely no recollection of this reported abuse, and believe in my innocence,

 I am sorry for the pain the person who brought the charges has gone through, as well as for the scandal such charges cause our people.” 

He has not made any further comment since.
Pope Francis’s response to the McCarrick case has been direct. 

McCarrick has been functionally stripped of his status as cardinal and will remain in seclusion pending trial. 

The response suggests that Francis intends to make an example of McCarrick, and signal a much more robust policy against sexual offenders of all ranks.
Earlier this month, Francis published a wider apology for the Church’s role in covering up child sex abuse this month 

after the release of a Pennsylvania grand jury report accusing hundreds of priests in child sex abuse there .
But while the pope has been criticized in the past for his insufficient handling of child sex abuse cases, 

in recent months he has taken a more active role in combating clerical sex abuse more widely. 

In May, for example, every single bishop in Chile resigned after a contentious summit with Francis, 

during which Francis made it clear that he held the entire community accountable for covering up child sex offenses there. 

He has not yet, however, commented on Viganò’s allegations.


US Church divided over claims that pope ignored sex abuse

The controversy over an alleged high-level cover-up of Church sex abuse in America has revealed a deep rift among US bishops that reflects both the damage done by the pedophilia scandals rocking the Vatican -- and the country's current political divisiveness.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who was the Vatican envoy in Washington between 2011 and 2016, sparked a firestorm when he claimed last week that Pope Francis ignored his warnings in 2013 about alleged abuse by then prominent US cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
In July, the pontiff accepted the resignation of McCarrick, now 88. He has been accused of "gravely immoral" behavior with seminarians and priests.
Vigano's claims have raised speculation of a campaign against the pontiff by Church conservatives in the United States, which is home to the fourth largest Catholic population in the world, according to US government data.
"It is a time of turmoil for all of us," says Paul Elie, a senior fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University, a Catholic university in the nation's capital.
In one camp, cardinals including progressive Joseph Tobin of Newark, Chicago's Blase Cupich and Robert McElroy of San Diego have rushed to the pontiff's defense, denouncing Vigano as a conservative "ideological warrior."
But other Church figures, such as bishops Joseph Strickland of Texas and Oklahoma's David Konderla are joining Cardinal Raymond Burke, a conservative American figurehead in the Vatican, in backing Vigano's claims.
For Elie, these dissenting voices are a direct result of Francis's tolerance of differing views.
"Because Francis is not inclined to an authoritarian style, he has allowed a much greater degree of dissent to be expressed openly than his predecessors," Elie told AFP.
"People are now speaking for themselves much more than they were used to."
- Church in the age of Trump -
Some experts say the public airing of Vatican intrigue usually kept behind closed doors reflects a polarized America, and the highly divisive politics that has followed the election of President Donald Trump.
"These are extreme positions -- these are not authentic Catholic positions that I think most of us want to hold on to," said Frank Clooney of the Harvard Divinity School, referring to calls for the pope's resignation.
"It's a characteristic of our time, in the 21st century, given American politics and European politics, that now everything is now in the open and bitter," Clooney added.
"It's part of the era of Trump that we are in -- nobody is holding back and saying this is not appropriate."
With America's Catholic population decreasing -- from 23.9 percent in 2007 to 20.8 percent in 2014, according to the latest Pew Research Center survey -- Church leadership is growing increasingly conservative, said Dennis Doyle of the University of Dayton.
"People on the left say the leadership of the Catholic Church (in the US) has become the 'Republican Party at prayer,'" added Doyle, a theologian who is himself a practicing Catholic.
Some high-ranking clergy have notably focused on religious liberties, the fight against abortion and insurance reimbursement for contraception -- cherished hot-button issues of American conservatives.
"Their most unifying theme is their attack against homosexuality," said Doyle.
"You have seen this massive cultural shift in the US about the status of LGBT people and many people in the Church have tried to say this is a new reality, and Pope Francis is one who is trying to move the Church towards grappling with a new perspective, new facts," he added.
"But there is a group of people who see this as this great heresy... We really are experiencing the polarization in a way that mirrors what's happening in the larger culture."
- Disoriented -
Traditionalist Church leaders are making their views known now because with his recent cardinal appointments, Francis is close to reaching a majority who favor his progressive approach, which could lead to his eventual successor espousing similar views, Doyle noted.
But Elie says the starkly differing views also stem from Church upheaval over recent revelations of a massive pedophilia scandal in Pennsylvania involving more than 300 priests who are said to have abused more than 1,000 children.
"We are all concerned -- the most left wing, the most right wing and everybody in the middle -- we are all trying to figure out what's next," said Elie.

Pope declines to comment on Cardinal McCarrick allegations

Pope Francis on Sunday declined to comment on a letter by a former Vatican official that he had ignored sexual abuse claims against US cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who was forced to resign last month.
"I will not say a word about that. I think that the communique speaks for itself," the pontiff said when questioned by journalists on his plane, flying back to Rome after his visit to Ireland.
A former Vatican envoy to Washington, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote in a letter published in the National Catholic Register that he had told Francis of the allegations in 2013, but that he had responded by lifting sanctions imposed on McCarrick by his predecessor pope Benedict.
"He (Pope Francis) knew from at least June 23, 2013, that McCarrick was a serial predator," wrote Vigano," adding that "he knew that he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end."
"I read the communique this morning," Francis told reporters, referring to Vigano's letter.
"Read the communique attentively and make your own judgement," the pope added.
"You have sufficient journalistic capacity to draw conclusions," he went on.
"When a little time has passed and you have the conclusions perhaps I will talk..," he added.
The scandal in the Catholic Church over child sexual abuse by clergy dogged the pontiff's visit at the weekend to Ireland where he said he "begged for God's forgiveness" for the damage done to the victims.

Pope Francis addresses journalists aboard the plane for his trip to Chile and Peru, on Jan. 15, 2018. 

Everybody in James’s family called him “Uncle Teddy.”
Father Theodore McCarrick was a New Jersey priest, whose charisma and intelligence had already set him on a clear course to rise in the Catholic ecclesiastical hierarchy. But to James, at age 11, whose story the New York Times reported last month (using only his first name), “Teddy” was a close family friend, an adviser, and a mentor.
He was also, James said, the man who exposed himself to James for the first time when he was 11. The man, James said, who first molested him when he was 12. And the man, James said, who got him drunk, took him to a hotel room, and assaulted him when James was 15. According to the Times report, James attempted to tell his family of the persistent abuse, only to be met with denial and disbelief.
Since then, McCarrick’s career continued to rise. In 1986, Father McCarrick became the archbishop of Newark. In 2000, he became the archbishop of Washington, DC, a particularly prestigious post. In 2001, he was promoted to cardinal, elevating him to the very highest ranks of Vatican officials. Even after his retirement in 2006 (archbishops must take mandatory retirement at the age of 75), McCarrick, now 88, remained a valued and vocal member of the Catholic community, often representing the Catholic perspective in global policy debate.
But last month, Pope Francis accepted McCarrick’s resignation from the College of Cardinals over allegations that he had sexually harassed and abused minors and young seminarians over the past several decades. According to a statement released by the Vatican, McCarrick has been instructed to live out a “life of prayer and penance,” and will have to remain in seclusion pending an ecclesiastical trial.
A resignation by a cardinal is exceedingly rare. The New York Times reports that the last time a cardinal resigned was in 1927, over political disagreements with the Vatican, suggesting that the Vatican is taking the allegations of McCarrick’s abuse seriously.
However, this week, a former papal nuncio (a position similar to that of an ambassador) has accused Pope Francis of covering up McCarrick’s misdeeds. In an open letter published on a number of Catholic websites, Carlo Viganò, a longtime enemy of Francis’s, wrote that Francis had personally lifted sanctions against McCarrick imposed by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. Viganò has since called for McCarrick’s resignation.
In June, McCarrick was removed from ministry over the allegation that he had abused an unnamed 16-year-old altar boy in 1971. A preliminary Vatican investigation found the allegation to be credible. Then, McCarrick retained his title of cardinal. However McCarrick’s ouster from the College of Cardinals, as well as the Pope’s decree that he remain in confined seclusion pending trial, represent a serious intensification of the actions taken against him.
While James told the Times he plans to file reports with police regarding the abuse he experienced, McCarrick currently faces no criminal charges because the alleged acts are beyond the statute of limitations.
It’s unclear exactly how many people McCarrick is accused of having abused or harassed in total. The archdiocese of New Jersey settled with two adult victims, who were both seminarians under his tutelage. Victims’ statements in the settlement documents attest to McCarrick’s habitual sexual relationships with multiple seminarians. Currently, the altar boy from the 1971 incident and James are the only two accusers who were minors at the time of the alleged abuse.
What makes the McCarrick case particularly striking is the degree to which his alleged sexual harassment of adult seminarians (not his abuse of minors) appears to have gone largely unchecked despite documented complaints. And despite widespread awareness of his behavior, McCarrick advanced to the highest echelons of the Catholic hierarchy. Action against him appears to have only been taken once his child victims came forward.
“Someone, or indeed many someones, needs to be held accountable for this disaster,” Catholic commentator Ross Douthat wrote in the New York Times last month. “And that accountability requires more than self-exculpating statements from the cardinals involved. It requires judgment — which requires more certain knowledge — which requires investigation — which probably requires an investigator with a mandate from the pope himself.”

McCarrick’s behavior with adult seminarians was an open secret inside and outside of the Church

According to the New York Times, which reported on McCarrick throughout July, two separate New Jersey dioceses paid settlements to adults, in 2005 and 2007, over allegations against McCarrick. Robert Ciolek, who received one of the settlements, told reporters that throughout the 1980s, when McCarrick was the bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey, he would frequently take seminarians to his beach house, during which one student would be chosen to share a bed with McCarrick. In bed, McCarrick would massage their shoulders, or otherwise engage in unwanted touching.
A second seminarian, who asked not to be named in the Times, described not only having explicit sexual contact with McCarrick but also witnessing McCarrick frequently engaged in sexual behavior with other seminarians and priests under his authority.
“My observations were that people were disgusted by it,” Ciolek told the Times. “There were some who gloried in the attention it brought on them, even if it was screwed-up attention. But I don’t remember anyone welcoming it and hoping they would be touched.”
By all accounts, McCarrick’s behavior — with adult seminarians, if not with minors — seems to have been widely known at the top of the church hierarchy, even as McCarrick continued to progress in the ranks. In 1994, one of the priests who would later receive a settlement wrote to Edward Hughes, then bishop of Metuchen, McCarrick’s old post, recounting McCarrick’s earlier abuse. That unnamed priest, who then also faced accusations of abusing teenagers, was given therapy and transferred. No action against McCarrick appears to have been taken.
That same year, the Times reports, another religious brother, Robert Hoatson, expressed concerns to an unnamed official in the diocese of Newark about rumors he had heard about McCarrick’s behavior with seminarians. At that point, McCarrick was archbishop. According to Hoatson, the official appeared to confirm the rumors’ veracity, saying, “Oh no, that ended.” He claimed McCarrick had ceased his abusive behavior after being asked by Bishop James McHugh, an auxiliary bishop at the time, and by the papal nuncio (Vatican officials who function like ambassadors).
On several occasions, priests and Catholic laypeople contacted the Vatican directly to express their concerns about McCarrick’s behavior with his seminarians. In 2000, before McCarrick’s promotion to the Archdiocese of Washington, a concerned bishop, Father Boniface Ramsey contacted the papal nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, directly. He said he received no reply to his letter. Again, no direct action was taken against McCarrick.
A number of journalists, including the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher and GetReligion’s Julia Duin, say they have written about attempting to report on McCarrick’s behavior in the early 2000s, only to run up against a series of obstacles.
Dreher told Vox about another effort by prominent Catholic leaders to alert the church to McCarrick’s behavior in advance of his nomination to the diocese of Washington. As Dreher told me in an email, two well-known Catholic laypeople had gone to Rome in 2000 to warn the Vatican directly about McCarrick’s treatment of seminarians and young priests.
“I phoned the first of the two men. He confirmed that he had been on this trip, but wouldn’t talk about it,” Dreher, who was writing for the New York Post at the time, told Vox. “When I called the second, he said [referencing a story in the biblical book of Genesis], ‘If that were true, I wouldn’t tell you for the same reason Noah’s sons covered their father in his drunkenness.’ In other words,” Dreher adds, “he believed that loyalty to the institution required him to cover up for McCarrick.”
Duin has written publicly about what she saw as the persistent threat of a lawsuit from the church, which rendered some of her editors at the Washington Times excessively cautious in encouraging her to go after the story.
In his conversation with Vox, Dreher also highlighted what he believed to be a reluctance on the part of newspapers he worked for to pursue stories about McCarrick. He believes that some of this reluctance was due to “fear of giving aid and comfort to anti-gay bigots” by appearing to criticize behavior that, at that time, might have been perceived as consensual since it was between two adults.
But perhaps the biggest obstacle to bringing McCarrick’s actions to light was the reticence of victims themselves to come forward or go on the record, a point both Duin and Dreher raised.
According to Father James Martin, SJ, an author and Jesuit priest, one of the most difficult parts about seeking accountability for McCarrick’s actions with adults is that these seminarians and young priests remain professionally, spiritually, and financially beholden to the Catholic Church, which may make them reluctant to come forward, even while the wider Catholic child sex abuse scandals rocked the church.
“In the corporate world,” Martin told Vox, “let’s say the harassment happened 10 years ago — the person’s in another company now, right? Well, if you’re still a priest, you’re still in the in the archdiocese, for example. You’re afraid to come out against someone who is so powerful. You wonder what’s going to happen. Will you be labeled as a complainer, a storyteller? So I think that’s very difficult for people.”
Only after the allegations that McCarrick had abused the 16-year-old became public did McCarrick’s adult accusers go public.
According to Martin, multiple factors contributed to McCarrick’s ability to operate with impunity for so long. For starters, there was the unwillingness of any of his victims — minor or adult — to go directly on the record, out of fear of losing their jobs and careers. In addition, he says, within church culture, McCarrick’s alleged harassment — especially because it was of adults — was not necessarily seen as meriting immediate punishment.
As Martin puts it, “This [kind of harassment] was often seen as a moral problem, right? Not a sickness or a crime. And so there was this, you know, sort of misplaced emphasis on forgiveness [rather than punishment].”
Once one alleged victim finally came forward, however — the 16-year-old altar boy referenced in the original Vatican investigation — more accusers came forward. Priests who have been aware of the rumors for decades, and who have privately expressed concerns to the Vatican in the past, including Boniface Ramsey, have also publicly confirmed a narrative of a sustained cover-up of decades.

Pope Francis’s response to the McCarrick scandal is heartening

Initial responses to the allegations against McCarrick seemed to place the blame for McCarrick’s continued career advancement, at least in part, on procedural failings in the ecclesiastical system. A parish priest can easily be removed from ministry, but the process of disciplining a senior member like a cardinal, bishop, or archbishop is much more difficult.
In an open letter released earlier this week, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston wrote, “While the Church in the United States has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests we must have clearer procedures for cases involving bishops. Transparent and consistent protocols are needed to provide justice for the victims and to adequately respond to the legitimate indignation of the community.”
McCarrick has maintained his innocence. When he initially left active ministry earlier this month, in response to allegations made by the former altar boy, he said in a statement: “While I have absolutely no recollection of this reported abuse, and believe in my innocence, I am sorry for the pain the person who brought the charges has gone through, as well as for the scandal such charges cause our people.” He has not made any further comment since.
Pope Francis’s response to the McCarrick case has been direct. McCarrick has been functionally stripped of his status as cardinal and will remain in seclusion pending trial. The response suggests that Francis intends to make an example of McCarrick, and signal a much more robust policy against sexual offenders of all ranks.
Earlier this month, Francis published a wider apology for the Church’s role in covering up child sex abuse this month after the release of a Pennsylvania grand jury report accusing hundreds of priests in child sex abuse there .
But while the pope has been criticized in the past for his insufficient handling of child sex abuse cases, in recent months he has taken a more active role in combating clerical sex abuse more widely. In May, for example, every single bishop in Chile resigned after a contentious summit with Francis, during which Francis made it clear that he held the entire community accountable for covering up child sex offenses there. He has not yet, however, commented on Viganò’s allegations.

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