Minggu, 30 September 2018

Aids for Earthquake Victims

Residents take fuel from an oil truck at a gas station. 

President asked quake survivors to be patient 
as they wait for aid to be distributed upon arriving in the capital of Central Sulawesi,
which was hit hard by an earthquake and tsunami.
Jokowi said it would take one week to prepare the airport 
so airplanes carrying the supplies could land safely.
“I'm aware there are a lot of issues that need to be resolved as soon as possible, 
and I hope the people will remain patient in this situation,”.
Residents of Palu affected by the disaster have been facing difficulties in accessing electricity and fuel, 
as well as other supplies such as food and medicine since Friday night.
Survivors in Donggala, who had taken shelter on the Donggala Kodi hills, had pleaded for help on Sunday. 

"We are in need of food or instant noodles. 
We haven't received any help because perhaps the government is focusing on Palu, which has many fatalities,".
"My 1-year-old child is crying because there is no milk and no store is open.
People had been forced to dismantle fuel storage units 
as they experienced difficulties in accessing fuel. 
Meanwhile, a live TV report also showed that residents had been taking clothes and other goods 
from the heavily damaged Ramayana department store in Palu this morning.
Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo defended the survivors, saying that they had done so to cope with the disaster. 

He responded to reports about looting in the media, 
saying that no looting had taken place since store items were scattered all over the place following the quake. 
He was at Palu airport when the reported "looting" happened.
“It is untrue that people were looting the store 
since the items were scattered outside the store,”.
Since Palu residents are in dire need of food and medical supplies, 
he had asked the Palu administration to prioritize the distribution of food supplies to displaced residents and patients at the hospital.
“I’ve already instructed them to purchase food and beverages at every available store around the region and distribute the items to those in need,”
 adding that he had also asked the National Police and municipal police to assist in the distribution.

Oscar again

A masseur in California filed suit against Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, 

the latest in a series of sex allegations faced by the actor.
The complainant, identified only as John Doe in the Los Angeles Superior Court file, 

alleges that Spacey groped him during a massage session in California, two years ago.
A representative of Spacey allegedly contacted the plaintiff 

requesting a massage for the actor at a private home.
After he went to the home and began performing a massage on Spacey ,

the actor pulled his hand into the actor's genital area.
A startled Doe was eventually able to get away with his massage table but, 

in his rush to depart, left sheets and oil behind, the suit says.
Spacey was considered one of the finest actors of his generation. 

His career has nosedived following allegations by more than a dozen men in the United States and Britain.
He has not been charged 

but remains under investigation in both countries.
The first public report of alleged abuse by him came from actor Anthony Rapp, 

who claimed that Spacey sexually abused him when Rapp was 14, in 1986. 
Spacey apologized to Rapp, claiming not to remember the incident, but remained silent 

as accusations against him mushroomed.
As a result, Netflix dropped him from its political thriller series House of Cards

and he was dumped from his scenes in Ridley Scott's film All the Money in the World
Spacey is one of the most high-profile scalps in the torrent of allegations 

that have brought down male power players from the worlds of politics, finance, entertainment and journalism, 

in the wake of accusations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein a year ago.

Condolences Disaster Earthquake

World leaders and prominent figures have sent messages of condolences to Indonesia i

n the aftermath of the large-scale destruction from a 7.4-magnitude earthquake

and subsequent tsunami that rocked Central Sulawesi on Friday

that cost hundreds of lives.

“The President stressed that

Russia shared the grief of the friendly Indonesian people

and asked to pass on his words of sympathy and support to the victims’ families and friends,”

South Korean President Moon Jae-In also expressed his condolences to the victims and families of those affected.

“I really hope that the search and rescue activities of lost victims can be carried out smoothly,

One South Korean national is among those still missing in Palu,

The man, Kim said, had gone to Palu to take part in a paragliding event and was staying at the Roa-roa hotel,

among hotels in the area that collapsed during the earthquake.

 Authorities are still sifting through the rubble in search of guests trapped inside.

“We lost contact with him after around 4:50 p.m. yesterday,”.

One Malaysian citizen and one French citizen were also reported missing in Palu, .

The EU has already activated its emergency Copernicus satellite mapping service to assist the authorities.

We continue to closely monitor the situation

and we are ready to mobilize more assistance,” 

Foreign Minister had received an outpouring of condolences and sympathy from her counterparts 

in most of the meetings she had attended, 

including from countries in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and ASEAN.

Condolences also came from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. 

“The United Nations stands ready to support the government-led ongoing rescue and relief efforts,” 

The BNPB announced on Sunday morning that ...

at least 800 people had been confirmed dead. 

However, the number of victims was likely to increase 

as rescue teams had yet to reach all affected areas.


President and Prime Minister Sing  have written to President  to express condolences 

for victims of an earthquake that struck the island of Lombok.

 "I am deeply saddened to learn of the earthquake which struck Lombok, 

claiming many innocent lives and causing significant damage. 

On behalf of the people of Singapore, I extend our heartfelt condolences 

to the affected families and wish the injured a quick recovery," 

"Singapore offers our assistance in the relief efforts 

organized by Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency. 

Our thoughts are with Indonesia and its people during this difficult time.

Separately, the Singaporean government has promised to contribute US$100,000 as seed money 

to kick-start the public fundraising appeal by the Singapore Red Cross. 


The international community has expressed its condolence and offered assistance to the victims of a 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit Central Sulawesi, which was followed by a deadly tsunami and mudflow.
Pope Francis led a prayer on Sunday at the Vatican for Indonesia's earthquake victims, expressing his "nearness to the people on the island of Sulawesi”. Thousands of Catholics gathered in St. Peter’s Square to recite the Angelus in a mass prayer.
"I pray for the deceased – which are unfortunately numerous – for the wounded, and for those who have lost their homes and employment. May the Lord console them and sustain the efforts of those who are taking part in the relief efforts," he said as quoted by vaticannews.va.
The United States also conveyed its condolences and expressed support for those affected on Sunday in Washington, DC. 
"US Mission Indonesia is closely monitoring the situation, and has not received reports of US citizens affected," said State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert in an official press statement. 
The US and Indonesia were "strategic partners and friends", she said, adding that the country stood ready to assist in the relief effort.
Like the US, Australia also expressed its condolences while noting that no Australians were known to be affected "at this stage", according to a press statement on Monday from the Australian government. 
"We extend our deepest sympathies and condolences and those of the Australian government to the people of the Republic of Indonesia following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Minahasa Peninsula, Sulawesi," the press statement said, on behalf of Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Foreign Minister Marise Payne.
"As a close neighbor, Australia stands ready to support the Indonesian government’s response efforts, if required," the statement said, adding that the Australian government had been in direct contact with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi.
Earlier on Saturday, Singapore called on its citizens in Central Sulawesi and surrounding regions to take "necessary safety precautions, monitor the local news for updates, and heed the advice of the local authorities". 
"Singaporeans should also stay in touch with your family and friends so that they know you are safe. Those who require consular assistance should contact our embassy in Jakarta at +62811863348 or the 24-hour Minister of Foreign Affairs Duty Office at +6563798800/8855," Singapore's Foreign Ministry spokesperson advised in a press statement.
The notice came following the evacuation of a Singaporean national from Palu by the Singaporean embassy in Jakarta, in coordination with Indonesian authorities.
The statement, uploaded to the ministry's website, also said that the Singaporean government extended its "deepest condolences to Indonesia, and the families who lost loved ones and were affected by the earthquakes and tsunami".
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also conveyed his personal condolences on his Twitter account (@RT_Erdogan).
"I pray for our brothers and sisters who were killed in an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, wish a speedy recovery to the wounded and offer my deepest condolences to the people of Indonesia," he tweeted. "Turkey is prepared to do everything in its power to help Indonesia heal its wounds." 
At least 832 people have been killed and another 540 people injured in the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that hit Central Sulawesi on Sept. 28, which was followed by several aftershocks, a tsunami and mudslides, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency's (BNPB) data on Sunday.


A number of areas in Central Sulawesi have been hit by large amounts of mudflow

following a 7.4-magnitude earthquake that jolted the province on Friday

that also triggered a tsunami.
Petobo subdistrict in South Palu district, which is located 10-kilometers from the sea,

has been struck by such mudflow.
It is feared that about 2,000 people in the subdistrict are dead,

with homes having been dragged away by the mud.  
Residents tried to escape the mudflow

they claimed to have been rolling in like waves.

He and his family had survived, (selamat)

but he had not heard from other relatives.
The same unexpected disaster hit another subdistrict in West Palu district.

The subdistrict was sunken to the ground.

Thousands were estimated to be dead.
Search and rescue teams were on the scene Sunday afternoon -

with heavy equipment to dig and clean the debris.
Mobile phone footage of the mudflow circulated online on Sunday,

showing several buildings being dragged.

The video was accompanied by a broadcast message

saying the incident occurred in Jono Oge village in Sigi regency on Saturday afternoon.
The person recording the event could be heard saying, “Oh Jesus Christ,”

while the houses before him were moving.
Another video posted on Twitter
shows people running and houses collapsing because of liquefaction in an unidentified location in Palu. 
National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said during a press briefing on Sunday in Jakarta that

soil liquefaction had occurred, a natural phenomenon that takes place

when solid soil loses its strength and behaves like liquid due to stress such as shaking during an earthquake.
“We observed that such phenomenon had dragged buildings away in several locations,

such as in Sigi Biromaru district in Sigi regency and South Palu district,”
The death toll from Friday’s earthquake has risen to 832,

with the majority of victims having been buried under rubble or struck by the tsunami.

The agency has also recorded 540 injured people and more than 16,000 others are reportedly displaced. (evi)

Palu Hospital president director  is also the head of the Central Sulawesi chapter of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI),

He pleads for help for quake victims in a video posted on Twitter account @PBIDI.

At least 30 people were killed in Palu, after strong earthquakes hit the province, triggering a tsunami.

Below is the English translation of his message:

Fellow doctors across Indonesia, we are suffering from earthquakes that have claimed victims. 

There's also a tsunami. 

Currently, there's a city-wide blackout in Palu, 

roads have been damaged and communications have been cut off.

We are pleading for help from everyone who can.

We need facilities and field hospitals.

Our needs include tents, folding beds, medicines, tarpaulins, medical personnel, blankets and other items.

In our hospital, there were 30 fatalities

and 12 people are in need of surgery and orthopedic help,

while nine others suffered from head injuries.

I hope that you can help.

Dozens of people have been found dead along the coast of Palu, 

 after a tsunami triggered by a 7.4-magnitude earthquake slammed into the city on Friday

Amid the power and communication blackouts

that have followed the 7.4-magnitude earthquake and ensuing (berikut-diikuti) tsunami in Central Sulawesi,

several journalists based in the provincial capital of Palu have been able to submit brief reports about the disaster. 
Ical, a journalist with Sulteng Terkini news portal,

he reported via a message that has circulated on journalist Whatsapp groups that he saw “bodies everywhere”

after the earthquake on Friday at 6:02 p.m. local time or 5:02 p.m. Jakarta time.
“Along the Palu coast, houses were swept away by the tsunami, 

including my house in Tondo, lost completely to the tsunami. 

Bodies are everywhere,” Ical said in a Whatsapp message. “[Praise Allah], my children are safe,” .
On Sunday morning, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) announced

that at least 405 people are dead, 29 missing and 540 injured

as rescue teams scoured (menjelajah) the ravaged (malapetaka) city of Palu.
Another journalist with the Radar Sulteng newspaper, Rony, said in a message sent not long after the disaster struck

that the communication network had been cut off since Friday night.

“Fatalities, so far, are mostly around Talise Beach in Palu Bay, swept away by sea water.

Coincidentally, there was an opening of the Palu Nomoni Festival on Talise Beach,

so there were many people there,” .
Soon after the earthquake, a tsunami warning for Central Sulawesi was issued at 5:07 p.m.

The warning, however, was revoked around 30 minutes later. 

A riot has broken out at Donggala Penitentiary in Central Sulawesi

after the warden reportedly refused to grant inmates’ request to leave the prison

and look for family members affected by the earthquake and tsunami that struck the region on Friday.
The 342 inmates were reportedly furious and burned the prison

after the warden refused to grant their request to leave to search for their family members

in disaster-stricken areas.
“At least 100 inmates broke out of the prison,” the prison’s warden said at the scene

He said 100 members of the mobile brigade from the Central Sulawesi Police had been deployed to handle the situation.

A fire truck was also sent to help put the fire out,

but it had failed to contain it.
The fire razed most of the prison,

making it impossible to hold the remaining inmates that were still on the premises.
 photographer,  shared pictures as the event unfolded on his Instagram account.

Kamis, 27 September 2018


She is the Indonesian girl.

Seven-year-old Malea charmed the crowd at the stadium.

The stadium is home of the LA Galaxy.

Prior to a soccer match between LA Galaxy and Seattle Sounders, she sang the United States national anthem.

Wearing an LA Galaxy jersey, she sang strong and handled the high notes with ease. 

After the performance, a soccer star posted on his Twitter account 

that Malea was the MVP of the game.

She won a social media contest to sing the national anthem.
The contest was posted on LA Galaxy’s Instagram stories 

and they submitted Malea’s video via the Direct Message feature.
“They chose five finalists and asked people to vote on Instagram Stories. 

The voting lasted for 24 hours, 

and the result was announced on Tuesday afternoon,” 

 Malea started to prepare for the performance on Sept. 18. 
Malea is currently busy with media interviews.

His father shared that she was set to sing the national anthem for the Los Angeles Lakers in November.
 “There will be a few singing contests coming up,” 

Religious Life

Several members of a church congregation in Jambi city burst into tears

upon seeing their house of worship sealed by Public Order Agency personnel.
“We have been worshiping here for 18 years.

Suddenly [the church] is closed.

We are shocked,.
The church leaders have applied for a permit from the city administration for years

but had never been granted one.
Up until now there has been no conflict with followers of other religions around the location of the church,

and congregation members were often involved in communal activities.
the sealing has been conducted because of local residents’ rejection of churches without permits.
“Based on negotiations between the administration and residents,

it was agreed to seal the church,” without divulging details on the parties involved.
The administration had reportedly planned to seal three churches in the area

but postponed the move on two of them amid opposition from their congregation members.
Before the sealing of the Methodist church, a letter widely circulated in Jambi stated that

some 1,000 residents would gather at a nearby mosque to demonstrate against the three churches. 

Sing Imigration

He is a staff sergeant with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, 

He allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women. 

in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended.
A Singapore immigration official was charged for allegedly receiving sexual favours from Chinese women 

He has received sexual favours in exchange for helping them extend their visas, 

It was a rare case of corruption in a city-state known for its clean image.

Singapore is in a city-state (which is) known for its clean image.

Singapore is known for its clean image.
Chin Peng Sum was also accused of tipping off the two women about impending raids and obstruction of justice for deleting incriminating text messages that he had exchanged with them.

The 51-year-old is a staff sergeant with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority.

He allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women 

in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended.
He was also accused of violating the Official Secrets Act 

by informing the women in advance about impending (mendatang) raids 

so that they could evade (menghindari) arrest for "vice-related and/or immigration" offences, 

the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau added.
"It is a serious offence (pelanggaran) for public officers to act in their own interests 

and use their position to solicit (mengumpulkan) corrupt benefits.
Singapore is a thriving business hub and financial centre, 

Singapore takes a tough stand against graft, 

and Singapore has consistently ranked in surveys as among the least corrupt countries in the world.
Its civil servants' salaries are among the highest in the world, 

in what authorities say is a bid to deter (menghalangi) corruption.
Cases do still occur sometimes. 

In 2013, Peter Lim -- former head of the civil defence force, which oversees emergency services -- 

He was found guilty of corruption in a sex-for-contracts case

He was jailed for six months.
An official is accused of receiving sexual favours in return for visa extensions. 

An immi official is accused of warning the female visitors about impending raids.

A Singapore immigration official was charged for allegedly receiving sexual favours from Chinese women 

He received sexual favor in exchange for helping them extend their visas, 

This was a rare case of corruption in a city state known for its clean image.
Chin Peng Sum was also accused of tipping off (memberi petunjuk / membocorkan) the two women about impending raids and obstruction of justice for deleting incriminating text messages he exchanged with them.

He was allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended.
He was also accused of violating the Official Secrets Act 
by telling the women in advance about impending raids 

so that they could evade (menghindari) arrest for “vice-related and/or immigration” offences.


Singapore immigration officer charged in sex bribery case

A staff sergeant with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended, the country's anti-corruption body said. 

A Singapore immigration official was Thursday charged for allegedly receiving sexual favours from Chinese women in exchange for helping them extend their visas, a rare case of corruption in a city-state known for its clean image.
Chin Peng Sum was also accused of tipping off the two women about impending raids and obstruction of justice for deleting incriminating text messages that he had exchanged with them.
The 51-year-old, a staff sergeant with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended, the country's anti-corruption body said.
He was also accused of violating the Official Secrets Act by informing the women in advance about impending raids so that they could evade arrest for "vice-related and/or immigration" offences, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau added.
"It is a serious offence for public officers to act in their own interests and use their position to solicit corrupt benefits," it said.
Singapore, a thriving business hub and financial centre, takes a tough stand against graft, and has consistently ranked in surveys as among the least corrupt countries in the world.
Its civil servants' salaries are among the highest in the world, in what authorities say is a bid to deter corruption.
Cases do still occur sometimes. In 2013, Peter Lim -- former head of the civil defence force, which oversees emergency services -- was found guilty of corruption in a sex-for-contracts case and jailed for six months.

Singapore immigration officer charged in sex bribery case involving Chinese women

Official is accused of receiving sexual favours in return for visa extensions and warning the female visitors about impending raids
A Singapore immigration official was on Thursday charged for allegedly receiving sexual favours from Chinese women in exchange for helping them extend their visas, a rare case of corruption in a city state known for its clean image.
Chin Peng Sum was also accused of tipping off the two women about impending raids and obstruction of justice for deleting incriminating text messages he exchanged with them.
The 51-year-old, a staff sergeant with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, allegedly accepted sex as bribes from the foreign women in exchange for ensuring that their visitor passes were extended, the country’s anti-corruption body said.
He was also accused of violating the Official Secrets Act by telling the women in advance about impending raids so that they could evade arrest for “vice-related and/or immigration” offences, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau added.
“It is a serious offence for public officers to act in their own interests and use their position to solicit corrupt benefits,” it said.
Singapore, a thriving business hub and financial centre, takes a tough stand against corruption, and has consistently ranked in surveys as among the least corrupt countries.
Its civil servants’ salaries are among the highest in the world, in what authorities say is a bid to deter corruption.
Cases do still occur sometimes. In 2013, Peter Lim – former head of the civil defence force, which oversees emergency services – was found guilty of corruption in a sex-for-contracts case and imprisoned for six months.

Depok Abuse

A man has been reported to the police in Depok for sexually abusing the 7-year-old girl.

A man - who was  identified as R.... has been reported to the police

He abused  the 7-year-old friend of his granddaughter.

The victim’s lawyer escorted her and her mother

to the Depok Police to file the report.

“I came here to ask the police to immediately arrest the perpetrator.

We came here with a witness who was nearly a victim of R,

R raped the victim a few months ago in an empty house --

not far from R’s own home in Pancoran Mas,

R has lured the young girl to the location by promising her Rp 5,000 (34 US cent).
“R is a married man, he is around 50 years old

He works as a civil servant in Jakarta,

The case was revealed

after the victim told her cousin about what R had done to her. 
Meanwhile, the police have not released any official statement regarding the case.
If the Depok Police did not respond to the report,

he would proceed to National Police and Indonesian Children Protection Commission 


Rabu, 26 September 2018

Pope Again

The way the Church views sexual abuse has evolved,

Events in the past should not be judged with today's eyes.
"It's true that the Church is accused, we all know it, we know the statistics,"

He said in the plane bringing him back from a visit to the Baltic states.
"If just one priest abuses a child, it's monstruous." 
"I understand that young people are outraged by such massive corruption,.

"They know that this happens everywhere,

but in the Church, it's more outrageous

because they're supposed to take children to God, not to destroy them."
The Catholic Church has been rocked

by a fresh wave of devastating claims of sexual abuse committed by clergy across the globe. 
Scandals in Australia, Europe, and North and South America have involved widespread claims of abuse --

and cover-ups -- by clergymen and lay members

with one Vatican archbishop describing it as the church's "own 9/11".
Citing a report released in August about thousands of cases of abuse committed by priests in Pennsylvania,

 the pope noted the situation has changed greatly since the 1970s.
"In the most recent times, it (abuse) has diminished

because the (American) Church realised that it had to fight in a different way."
"In past times, things were hidden.

They were also hidden at home, when uncles raped a niece, when the father raped his children.

These things were hidden, because it was a great shame."
"That was the way of thinking in past centuries, or in the last century,

adding that the past should not be judged with today's eyes.
He cited the example of the death penalty,

which the Vatican applied until the late 19th century:

 "Then the moral conscience grows."
But the pope declined to answer a question

about a damning report released in Germany on Tuesday showing that almost 3,700 minors -- mostly boys -- were assaulted between 1946 and 2014.
The German Catholic Church apologised for the abuse,

saying the perpetrators must be brought to justice.



The way the Church views sexual abuse has evolved, just as it has in wider society, the pope said Tuesday, adding events in the past should not be judged with today's eyes.
"It's true that the Church is accused, we all know it, we know the statistics," the pope said in the plane bringing him back from a visit to the Baltic states.
"But if just one priest abuses a child, it's monstruous." 
"I understand that young people are outraged by such massive corruption," he said, echoing his speech to youths in Estonia earlier in the day.
"They know that this happens everywhere, but in the Church, it's more outrageous because they're supposed to take children to God, not to destroy them."
The Catholic Church has been rocked by a fresh wave of devastating claims of sexual abuse committed by clergy across the globe. 
Scandals in Australia, Europe, and North and South America have involved widespread claims of abuse -- and cover-ups -- by clergymen and lay members with one Vatican archbishop describing it as the church's "own 9/11".
Citing a report released in August about thousands of cases of abuse committed by priests in Pennsylvania, the pope noted the situation has changed greatly since the 1970s.
"In the most recent times, it (abuse) has diminished because the (American) Church realised that it had to fight in a different way."
"In past times, things were hidden. They were also hidden at home, when uncles raped a niece, when the father raped his children. These things were hidden, because it was a great shame."
"That was the way of thinking in past centuries, or in the last century," the pope said, adding that the past should not be judged with today's eyes.
He cited the example of the death penalty, which the Vatican applied until the late 19th century: "Then the moral conscience grows."
But the pope declined to answer a question about a damning report released in Germany on Tuesday showing that almost 3,700 minors -- mostly boys -- were assaulted between 1946 and 2014.
The German Catholic Church apologised for the abuse, saying the perpetrators must be brought to justice.


The Bekasi Police have detained a 17-year-old student from a vocational high school for assault 

after he allegedly stabbed another teenager over a girl.

"The victim was stabbed in the abdomen," 

The victim had reportedly accused the suspect of stealing his girlfriend. 

The suspect retaliated in anger by stabbing the victim.

The two boys started quarreling via text messages and WhatsApp.

They agreed to meet 

but instead of coming alone, the suspect arrived with several friends.

"[The victim] is still receiving treatment in the hospital.

the boys legs had been severely injured.

The suspect was later detained at his home in the Wismajaya housing complex.

"We're still looking for the sickle he used [to stab the victim] 

because he has thrown it into a river,"
