Kamis, 06 September 2018


A prisoner and his wife allegedly committed suicide during visiting hours at the Lumajang Penitentiary .

The prisoner, 30, and his wife, 18, died after drinking the same beverage.

“The wife and the prisoner's mother brought him a meal that had been checked by penitentiary officers.

According to information gathered, the prisoner asked for plastic cups from the canteen officer. 

He then poured the beverage into the plastic cups for himself and his wife.

“After a while, as they were hugging each other, they both laid down and experienced shortness of breath,” .

The penitentiary officers and several prisoners brought them to the polyclinic 

but they died shortly afterwards.

The police took the bottle and the plastic cups used by the victims to the Police forensic laboratory for examination.

The police have also requested Lumajang Hospital to perform an autopsy on the bodies. (

Prisoner, wife allegedly commit suicide in East Java penitentiary


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