Jumat, 05 Oktober 2018

Assault Lying

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Ratna (second left) meets with :
presidential candidate Prabowo, National Mandate Party (PAN) patron Rais and Gerindra deputy chairman Fadli Zon
at Prabowo's residence in South Jakarta on Tuesday.

She is an antigovernment activist.
She is a part of his campaign team.
She was reportedly assaulted in Bandung.
The Joko-Maruf ticket has called on her to report an alleged assault against her –
Reporting to the police can prevent speculation over the nature of the incident.
She suffered injuries to her face.
The injuries were indicated in pictures.
The pictures circulated on social media.
The pictures show her swollen eyes and bruised face.

I read about the alleged assault against her on the news.
I was saddened by it.
I hope that the incident does not have any political motives.
I hope it is only about personal and interpersonal issues.
I hope she will immediately report this incident to the police to prevent wild speculation and to make the problem clearer.
The alleged assault must be investigated and the attackers must receive severe punishment.

I want the case to be investigated thoroughly so that it will not be used as political tool.
She started to be cautious when her taxi stopped a bit far from the crowd.
Her 2 friend walked to the airport while she was grabbed by 3 unknown people to a quiet place where she has been beaten.
Her stomach was kicked.
After she was beaten, she was thrown to the side of the road, injuring her head.
She was conscious when a taxi driver picked her up.
The driver dropped her off on the side of a round around Cimahi.
She searched for a ride to a hospital in Cimahi and called her friend who is a surgeon.
She went back to Jakarta directly after a medical treatment.
She was traumatized and decided to keep silent about the incident.
Politicians suspected that the incident was political as …
It took place ahead of the 2019 presidential election.
It is unclear – however – if the opposition will file a formal report about the assault to the police.

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The opposition camp denounced the alleged assault and human right abuse against its member.
In a bizarre twist, police released a report with damning evidence (memberatkan).
The report suggested that she had been in fact not assaulted but underwent facial surgery.
She is part of presidential challenger campaign team.
She claimed to have been assaulted in Bandung.
The assault resulted in injuries to her face, as indicated in pictures that circulated on social media.
She and several friends were looking for a taxi from a hotel after attending a conference.
The police were swift to probe her claim,
Eventhough …
She insisted that she would not bring the case to the police.
The police’s investigative report shows that many of her claims just do not add up.
There was no international conference held in the region on Sept. 21.
She was not on any flight manifest arriving in Bandung that day.
Police also found a phone number registered to her name.
The phone was active in Jakarta from Sept. 20 to Sept. 30.

Furthermore …
They found that …bank accounts belonging to her family transferred money to a cosmetic surgery hospital in Jakarta on Sept. 20, 21, and 24.
The police then obtained hospital documents.
The documents show that she was hospitalized after allegedly undergoing facial surgery at hospital.
She was hospitalized  from the day the alleged assault took place to Sept. 24.
BE is a hospital specializing in surgery, including dental surgery and other cosmetic surgery.
It is impossible that she went there for treatment after being assaulted.
Moreover …
It is impossible that she was assaulted in Bandung on the evening of Sept. 21, because …
From x until y, she did not leave the hospital….he went on.
To back up their findings, the report includes pictures of CCTV footage of the hospital.
The footage purportedly (konon diakui) show her checking in and out of the hospital.

The police also corroborate their claim by showing that …
The wallpaper in the viral photo of her swollen eyes and bruised face …
The wallpaper is identical to the wallpaper of the cosmetic surgery hospital.
Prabowo would meet National Police to discuss what he believed was an assault against her.
The woman could be charged with spreading lies and hate speech.

Edit 3:

I was not assaulted.
I apologize for lying.
She is an outspoken antigovernment activist.
Her swollen eyes was the result of liposuction.
She has bruises (memar) after having surgery at a hospital.
She told she had been beaten by unidentified assailants.
She told the media hours after the police held a conference questioning her claims.
There was no assault. That was just a delusion inspired by Satan.
Her family member concerned about her swollen face.
They kept asking what had happened to her.
She made up a story about being assaulted.
She conceded that it had been a mistake.

I never thought that it would be this stupid.
I don’t know what evil encouraged me to create the lie.
Her claims turned political.
Presidential contender met her and denounced the assault against her.
He would speak to National Police about human right abuse.
She has apologized to Prabowo and the public fir her deception (penipuan).
He has been patient listening to me lying yesterday.
She claimed to have been assaulted, resulting injuries to her face.
The pictures began circulating on social media.
The incident has taken place on Sept. 21 near airport.
The police investigated her calims.
Police found out that she had not in Bandung that day, but at a Jakarta hospital specializing in cosmetic surgery.
The hospital specializes in cosmetic surgery.

Edit  4:

The arrest of her has generated suspicious of a possible escape attempt.
Authorities were closing in on her in a fake news case.
She was about to depart for Santiago Chili.
She planned to attend  the conference.
She was set to appear as one of the event’s senior advisers.
He is an acting tourism agency head.
She sent a letter to the agency, asking for funds.
She asked for funds for her travels and accommodation in Chile.
She asked for a sponsorship from the government for her attendance at the international conference.
She was invited by the event’s organizer last year to be one of the key speakers at the conference.
Governor has received her funding proposal, and he later handed it over to the tourism agency.
The agency has coordinated with the organizer.
She was scheduled to arrive in the country on oct. 7.
The conference will be held in Santiago from Oct 7 to 12.

She previously admitted to having lied about being assaulted in Bandung.
Her swollen eyes in pictures that went viral was the result of liposuction.
She has undergone surgery at a Jakarta hospital.
She has lied to her children.
She told them that she had been assaulted by unidentified assailants.
He denounced the assault.

edit 5

She lied to the public about undergoing cosmetic surgery.
She is a political activist.
She was arrested at Jakarta Airport.
She is the member of Subianto’s campaign team.
She was arrested prior to departing for Chile.
She planned to attend a conference there.
She earlier claimed she had been assaulted to explain a photo showing her with a swollen face.
The photo showed her with a swollen face.
She has been named a suspect for allegedly spreading fake news.
He is a head of violent crimes unit.
She initially has been named a witness in the case.
She refused to come in for questioning.
Her status was then upgraded – to that of a suspect.

Police learned of her travel plans.
Police summoned her as a witness.
She should have informed them if she planned on going somewhere; not just leave.
She stands accused of violating Article 28 of the …..Law
stands accused of = to have been accused of
She stands accused of violating Article 28 of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law.
A photo of her circulated on social media. – earlier  this week.
In the photo, she appeared to have a swollen (bengkak) under her eyes.
She later claimed to have been assaulted by unknown people at …
Her claim prompted a frenzy (hiruk pikuk) in the Prab camp.
He referred to the matter as a human rights violation.
Police claimed that her facial condition was the result of liposuction.
Police’s claim has forced her to retract her claims.

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