Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Doctor Victim Crashed

How can a mother explain to her two young children that ..
Their father will never come home again.

So said Lia, the wife of Tono.

He is one among 189 people on board Lion Air flight.

The flight crashed into the sea.

Their children are 4 yo Budi and 1 yo Bini.

I don’t know what to tell them when they ask.

They will certainly ask about their father.

What they do know is that their father is working.

Lia said as quoted by Kompas.

He was on the flight from X to Y after visiting his family in Depok.

He was on his way to report for duty as a specialist at a hospital in a regency neighboring Pinang.

The flight carried xxx passengers, x pilots, and 6 crew members.

The flight never made it to its destination.
He was very caring and loving towards his family, especially …

He was very attentive towards his children. He loved them.

He often video called them when he was in Pinang.

Every time he had to fly back to work, she always waited for him to return.

She would wait by the door to greet him and gave him a hug.

She has no idea that her father is one of the victims on the downed Lion flight.

The next hardest thing for me to do is to explain her husband whereabouts to them.
Oh God.

He had planned that the 4 of us would go on a vacation in December.

The flight was scheduled to land at air port at 7:10 on Monday, but …
Air traffic control lost contact with it shortly after take-off at 6:20.

The plane crashed 7 nautical miles off the coast of Tanjung Bungin.

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