Senin, 29 Oktober 2018


The city will raise its minimum wage by 8.3 percent, as ..(because)
It has been mandated by a government regulation.
He is a member of Jakarta wage council. (dewan pengupahan).
The wage will increase from Rp. X at present to above Rp. X next year.
The increase is in accordance with Government Regulation No. x on wages. (sesuai)
 Based on the calculation, Jakarta’s minimum wage will be Rp.
The minimum wage amount would be enough to fulfill an inexperienced worker’s need .
The annual raise is aimed at ensuring the well-being of newcomers in the world of work.
He suggested worker unions not demand too much on the minimum wage raise.
Please do not demand a raise beyond employers’ capabilities.
The regulation has fairly regulated the raise.
The raise is positive for both employers and employee.
The x percent increase was decided on based on statistic indonesia’s data.
The data states this year inflation stands at 2.88 percent and economic development at 5.15%.
If those figures are combined, it results in an 8.03 percent (raise in the minimum wage).


A labor union in Depok has demanded an increase of 25% to the current minimum wage of …

In 2019 we demand an increase to around Rp. …

The increased wage will be sufficient for to provide an appropriate standard of living for workers in the city.

Talks with the Wage Council have collapsed with the issuance of Government Regulation on labor wages.

The talks have resulted in a recommendation.

Its implementation had ended once (begitu) the 2015 regulation was issued.
The regulation has prevented the right of labor unions to negotiate (on behalf of workers) from being fulfilled, because

The wage is set by the central government.

Depok Mayor and Manpower Agency head have yet to respond to the unions’ demand.

Minister stated earlier that the government had determined the rate of next year’s regional minimum wage increase at 8.3%.

Referring to data from BPS.

BPS data calculates national inflation at 2.88% and economic growth at 5.15% to  to total a wage increase of 8.03%.

He has disseminated the information to regional heads that were obliged to announce next year's wage increase on Nov. 1.

A labor union in Depok, West Java, has demanded an increase of 25 percent to the current minimum wage of Rp 3.58 million (US$241).
"In 2019, we demand an increase to around Rp 4.48 million," Wido Pratikno, chairman of the Indonesian Metal Workers Federation, said on Sunday as quoted by
He said that the increased wage would be sufficient for to provide an appropriate standard of living for workers in the city. 
Wido also said that talks with the Depok Wage Council had collapsed with the issuance of Government Regulation No. 78/2015 on labor wages.
Wido said the talks had resulted in a recommendation that the Depok mayor had signed, but that its implementation had ended once the 2015 regulation was issued.
"The 2015 regulation has prevented the right of labor unions to negotiate [on behalf of workers] from being fulfilled, because the wage is set by the central government," he said. 
Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris and Depok Social and Manpower Agency head Diah Sadiah have yet to respond to the union's demand.
Manpower Minister Hanif Dhakiri stated earlier that the government had determined the rate of next year's regional minimum wage increase at 8.3 percent, referring to data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS).
The BPS data calculates national inflation at 2.88 percent and economic growth at 5.15 percent to total a wage increase of 8.03 percent.
Hanif said he had disseminated the information to regional heads that were obliged to announce next year's wage increase on Nov. 1. (sau)

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