Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018

Fire Trucks - Traffic Congestion

Fire trucks need to rush to the scene of a fire.

Severe traffic congestion often stalls fire trucks.

It often happens in Tanah Abang.

As soon as we receive news of a fire, we ill immediately go to the scene.

But often we will get stuck in the traffic.

And we never know when we can finally move forward.

The fire station is located at the center of Tanah Abang - next to Blok F of TA Market.

It can take up to one hour to get to Jatibaru.

Jatibaru is less than 1 kilometer away from the station.

Ideally, firefighters from the nearest station should arrive at a fire 

They should arrive within eight minutes after receiving the news.

Even on holidays like Sunday, the road is still crowded.

It takes half an hour on average to get to a fire.

The firefighters often receive help from Pak Ogah.

Pak Ogah is a voluntary parking attendants who ...

They stop vehicles at U-turns to make way for the fire truck.

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