Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Follow up Campus Assault

In response to public pressure, …

Uni is thinking about taking steps to expel a a student.

He is accused of emotional assaulting a fellow student last year.

He was thinking about setting up an ethics committee to reinvestigate the case.

If people think the punishment is not adequate, the team will reopen the case.

He earlier said uni considered the case closed and the punishment meted out.

However some deemed the measure insufficient to deliver justice to the victim.

She has the pseudonym A in an investigative report.

He sympathized with the victim, but

He wanted both A and the alleged perpetrator to graduate and become better people.

We want to handle this case in an educational way, so …

Both learn some lessons but no one is destroyed.

The case surfaced after …

She was blamed after the case.
A kkn is a compulsory  school program that lasts several months.

Students live with local families in the target village.

Ori responded the case by saying they suspected uni of maladministration in handling her report.

The suspected maladministration is delaying the resolution of the case.

Such delay was in violation of the 2009 law on public service.

Its handling of the matter triggered an online petition.

She wanted H to be expelled from the univ without honor.

He has finished his thesis and is about to graduate.

The team comprised campus officials from several internal institution.

Uni had actually punished him based on a recommendation from team.

The punishment included postponing h graduation by one semester, pulling him from the KKN site, and making him undergo mandatory counseling for mental abusers.

Uni was focusing on protecting and giving her psychological counseling.

We are looking at the possibility of bringing the case to the police.

Emotional assault happened as a result of unequal power relations in a patriarchal society…
And that women were mostly the victim.

To anyone who is rape victim, have courage to speak up …

She was still considering about pursuing legal action.

The process has to take into account the victim’s psychological condition.
Her condition was still unstable.

She was still finishing her thesis.

Agni was still finishing her thesis, he said.

She was coerced by her lecturer to have sx with him.

The story has gone viral on social media.

He has voluntarily resigned.

But the case remains in legal limbo.

She was allegedly emotionally assaulted by her mate during their mandatory fieldwork period.

The reported case triggered both protests and controversy.

The case is just the tip of an iceberg that represents …

They were willing to speak out, but many more victims are muffled, unable or unwilling to speak.

What makes these case so morally appalling is that the violence was perpetrated within an academic environment.

Uni are supposed to be safe places for budding students to grow intellectually and emotionally with the guidance of respectable lecturers.

such was the ideal of the university envisioned by the philosopher Plato.

Such was the ideal of the university envisioned by the philosopher Plato.

The hierarchical environment often perpetuates obscenely imbalance power relations between …

Lecturers virtually wield nearly unchecked power over their students.

They can ruin their students’ lives with a single keystroke.

Students are virtually powerless against their professors and the machination of the institution.

If they speak up, collective institutional might pummels them into submission.

Students who speak up will be blamed for tainting the reputation of the institution.

Student victims are deprived of legal protection in the first place. (pada awalnya).

often, they will face statements that essentially shift the blame onto them.

Or belittle their traumatic experience.

While rape is a crime, consensual sex is not.

However, victims are often (=frequently) pressured, either implicitly or explicitly, into claiming the sexual relations were consensual.

This is not to generalize the entire academic community as being a part of this institutionalized sexual violence.

There are often institutional barriers for people of goodwill to blow the whistle, = barriers of

Such as of demotion.

The absence of protection for calling out harassment.

They are let alone.

Simply put, (sederhananya)  there is a culture of permissive silence perpetuated by those in power.

So far, treatment of such cases tends to be reactionary. (reaktif)

So far, treatment of such cases doesn’t address the root causes of institutional mental violence. (tertuju).

Undeniable sweeping institutional reform is a must if …

Uni are truly committed to their role as

Uni has a role as bastion of progressive enlightenment
Uni doesn’t have a role as fortresses of entrenched conservative values.
Considering the highly centralized
There is no doubt that reforms should start from the top.
This doesn’t mean that change cannot also begin at the bottom.

They (victims and whistleblowers) deserve … to voice their grievances regarding any form of assault and harassment.

These procedures should guarantee (anonymity, legal clarity, and emotional support) to protect them from potential institutional backlash.

such procedures ought to be regulated by Ministry in order to ..

in order to be in place in all universities.

Instead of accrediting univ simply based on their academic performance, why don’t we include the presence of these mechanism?

It is not just a one-way street.

Uni need proactive measures to foster an awareness of assault and harassment.

Prevention can be done through continuous education of what constitutes assault and harassment by …

They uphold ethical behavior and not abuse their power. (menjunjung tinggi).

uni should have zero tolerance for perpetrators of assault and harassment.

They (lecturers) who commit the crime should be stripped of any academic titles or honors, or even barred from re-entering academia.
Students who are found guilty of the crime should face justice.

They may be deemed too much or an over-reaction to a few isolated cases.

However, must we wait for another preventable incident to occur?

Univ should not endorsing a culture of silence and permissiveness.

There should be more check on the power relations between …

This is one of those issues in which we need to work together to foster a safe environment for academic progress.

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