Rabu, 05 Desember 2018

Literary accident

Renowned writer NH is flanked by her son, filmmaker Louis and Ubud Writers when receiving her Lifetime Achievement Award

She was looked after by the staff.

She is one of indonesia’s living literary legends.

She sat in chair enjoying a sunny afternoon.

I can still work properly.

I am a little bit tired after a night long-ceremony.
She got up from chair to walk toward the café.

The festival presented her with the distinguished lifetime achievement award.

The award is presented for her 6 decades literary career

The award is presented for her tremendous contribution the development of Indonesian literature.

The award really humbled me.
This is a recognition of a writer’s efforts, endurance, persistence, and patience to stand tall (berdiri tegak) on the fast-changing literary stage.

She shared her feelings and experience in the chat.

Standing tall is a strong ability required to survive in the writing world where appreciation from the public are lacking, if not absent.

I have been writing since early …and will continue to write because writings is my profession.

I earn money from writing.

Born to the Javanese noble couple X and Y on Feb. 30…

She is the youngest of five siblings.

She began writing when she was still at junior high school.

It was my mother who kept encouraging me to write.

She prepared a special room belonging to my late father together with his old typewriter.

With dozens of novel, short stories, and poems to her credit along with several literary awards, …

People might think this prolific writer led a comfortable and prosperous life.

Far from a life of glamour, she is currently residing at Panti Wreda …

PWis a decent home for the eldery.

Honestly, I have neither savings nor health insurance.

My insurance is my family, ….even doctors who have treated my illness.

She has her uterus removed because of a cancer-related illness   when I was 43.

After returning to Indo, she frequently fell ill. = often

Compared to the life of writers in neighboring countries like ….

A writer of her caliber would receive lifelong statefunding.

They are highly regarded as the nation’s precious literary jewels.

They are highly respected and are granted datuk-honorary titles ….
They are entitled to the state financial support and other facilities.

In Indonesia, on the other hand, writers are often considered second-class artists or scholars.

This is the clear mirror on how the state and the people of Indonesia perceive literature.

Many people including the government in charge of art and culture ignore.

Literature is actually nutritious food for humans’ soul and minds.

It is the basic foundation of humanity, a reflection of society, reality, knowledge, and wisdom.

Book royalties and intellectual property rights have long been crucial issues for writers in Indonesia.

In the music industry, I heard there are some foundations and institutions helping artists acquire royalties and rights.

I hope there are such institutions in the literary field.

Back in the 1970s , some of her novels were considered controversial for taking on taboo subjects like ….

Her novels were banned from public school libraries as ..

The novels could have negative impacts on young people, girls especially.

She was surprised when she was invited to visit pesantren belonging to fellow writer.

They were required to read and to discuss the contents of the books to decide the positive and negative values.

I was so impressed.

Rather than banning the books, it was open-minded in allowing its students to engage in discussion. = instead of – terlibat.

 The novels offered a lot to ponder.

In these novels, she featured 2 female protagonists …

Their roles are limited to raising children and servings husbands and families.

Literary meaning of …. is a partner in the house and bedroom.

There is no place for them to be regarded as individual beings.

Her female characters are always painted (diwarnai) in opposition to this this traditional concept of women.

I did not relate my writings to the western theory.

What I strongly believe is that  a woman wherever she lives ..deserves to be treated equally and respectfully.

She should also have the rights to her own body.

Her belief obviously comes across in almost of her works.

The characters are usually depicted as women who are eloquent in expressing their mind as well as their desires.

She is an individual who stand up for themselves against abusive husbands.

These characterization are associated with strict violations of traditional norms.

A marriage unites 2 in mutual affection and respect.

When it fails, it is the woman who is blamed.

I don’t want to portray my characters succumbing to that situation.

When asked about her failed marriage to Y, she is only capable of recalling sweet memories of their union.

He was a romantic and gentle person.

I was so smitten by his kindness and manner.

It was her uncle that introduced them.
He is the father of respected scholar s, professor of archaeology.

He is my best friend who is always beside me.

Despite family opposition to …., they later got married.

The locals used this term to refer to any westerners as kumpeni regardless of their countries of origin.

Their romantic love did not last forever.
It did not necessarily lead to a good marriage.

The passion dissipated.

His love is so short-lived, I just couldn’t understand.

They divorced in 1984 and she returned to Indonesia.

That was my life’s journey. And I am very grateful no matter what.

Even though they live so far away they are all in my heart.

He is best known for co-directing …

I felt very touched when I heard he acknowledge during a joint interview that his artistic talent came from his mother – from me.

What I miss so much about my mother is her roaring laughter.

Despite mountainous adversity, she is at peace with herself.

In Javanese philosophy, a human being must be alert (eling) tirakat (continuous soul-searching) in order to humble accept everything that comes to our life.
It is the way I am now – a life full of gratitude.

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