Rabu, 17 April 2019

Demolished Cemetery

The recent destruction of the Bambu Apus cemetery, which
The cemetery stands on wakaf land (land donated for public purposes),
The destruction was aimed to make way for the construction of the Serpong-Cinere toll road in Pamulang.
The recent destruction has enraged locals whose …
Wakaf land means land which is donated for public purpose.
Their family members were buried in the area.
Among those locals is Nadia, who said …

the cemetery’s caretakers only informed her on Saturday that

her brother’s grave was to be displaced,

 mere hours before the graveyard was destroyed.

She became angry upon visiting the site not long after

only to find the cemetery already dug up.

Caretakers had put her brother’s body into a sealed casket

and stacked it with several others.

She tried to get the caretakers to open it, but to no avail.
“This is madness.

There were no prior announcements to families.

They should have informed us a day before they demolished it since

we could have been busy working,”

 said Nadia, as quoted by TribunJakarta.com.
However, graveyard caretaker Aim denied the accusations that

the destruction had happened suddenly,

claiming that the affected families had been informed ahead of time.

“We disseminated the information [officially] for about three days, but …

I had already been informing residents since a week ago.

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