Rabu, 17 April 2019


Police have arrested two alleged gang members, known as J and HS,

who are suspected of robbing bus passengers at Pulogadung terminal.

Eight others are on the police’s most-wanted list.
The arrest came after the police received repeated complaints about robberies at the terminal.
A victim was robbed on March 28 after he had stepped off a Transjakarta bus and

was about to transfer to another one.

A robber suddenly appeared out of nowhere, choked him and threatened him with a knife.

Eight more people threatened him and he had no choice but to follow their instructions.

“One of them took the victim’s mobile phone from his left front pocket,

while another suspect took a wallet from his right back pocket.

After arresting J and HS, the police confiscated an ID, knife and red wallet.
The gang was called the “Sumatra gang” and was known to commit crimes in a group.
“The gang consists of 10 members and

they target bus passengers at the Pulogadung bus terminal.
Each gang member had a specific job such as
blocking the victim’s way, taking the victim’s belongings, monitoring the surroundings and threatening the victim.
J and HS are being charged under Article 365 of the Criminal Code on theft with violence,
which carries a maximum sentence of nine years in prison.

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