Senin, 08 April 2019


Prosecutors demanded  the death penalty for two of the three defendants who

They are standing trial at the Cibinong District Court for the murder of Dufi, 

Difi was a former journalist whose body was found in a drum in Bogor.

Prosecutor  said two of the defendants deserved capital punishment, 

while the third, Yudi, deserved 15 years in prison. 

They were all charged with violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder and Article 365 on violent robbery.

The death penalty for Nurhadi and Sri Murniasih is for premeditated murder, 

while the imprisonment sentence for Yudi is for him helping the other defendants dispose of the dead body.

Dufi’s brother said he felt grateful when 

he heard the demand read out during the session on Tuesday afternoon

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