Minggu, 21 April 2019

Safegurard Church Blast

Police have deployed 5,500 personnel to safeguard the observance of Easter this weekend. [ibadah]
“Around 5,500 personnel will be deployed to ensure safety.

his office had communicated with the relevant church managements.
“We have contacted them in relation to their schedules,”
The police would also make traffic arrangements near the churches

and conduct patrols around the areas.
GP Ansor is  the youth wing of the largest Muslim group Nahdlatul Ulama,
It will also help secure several churches in Jakarta.



World leaders have condemned a series of blasts in Sri Lanka

that killed more than 150 people on Sunday, including dozens of foreigners

with British, Dutch and American citizens believed to be among them.

Hospital sources also said Japanese citizens were among those injured by the bombs

which ripped through high-end hotels and churches holding Easter services.
Here is a summary of the reactions:
Britain: 'Stand together'
British Prime Minister Theresa May described the attacks as "truly appalling". [mengerikan / menggemparkan]

"The acts of violence against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are truly appalling,

and my deepest sympathies go out to all of those affected at this tragic time," she tweeted. 
"We must stand together to make sure that

no one should ever have to practice their faith in fear."

The Netherlands: 'Terrible reports'
"Terrible reports from Sri Lanka about bloody attacks on hotels and churches on this Easter Sunday,"

 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte tweeted after the attacks first emerged.
"Thoughts are with the victims and their relatives."
Australia: 'Terrorist attack'
Australia was thinking of those killed in a "horrific terrorist attack".
"To the beautiful people of Sri Lanka,

Australia sends its heartfelt sympathies and our prayers and our support

and our offer to do whatever we can to support you in this terrible time of need,"

he said in a statement.
"At this time as Easter Sunday draws to a conclusion here in Australia,

our heart goes out to those Christians

and all of those other innocents

who have been slaughtered today in this horrific terrorist attack."

New Zealand: 'Devastating'
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the attack as "devastating".
"New Zealand condemns all acts of terrorism,

To see an attack in Sri Lanka while people were in churches and at hotels is devastating.
"New Zealand rejects all forms of extremism and

stands for freedom of religion and the right to worship safely.

Collectively we must find the will and the answers to end such violence."

Catholic Church in Holy Land: 'Solidarity'
The Catholic Church in Jerusalem said the blasts were particularly sad

as they "came while Christians celebrate Easter".
"We pray for the souls of the victims

and ask for speedy recovery of the injured,

and ask God to inspire the terrorists to repent of their killing and intimidation," [tobat]
"We also express our solidarity with Sri Lanka

and all its inhabitants in their various religious and ethnic backgrounds." [penduduk]

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