Minggu, 21 April 2019

Officer Election Died from

Six polling station working committee (KPPS) officers reportedly died due to exhaustion 

after working long hours on election day on April 17.

One of the officers, Supriyanto, 54, the head of a KPPS in Cigalontang subdistrict, Tasikmalaya,

He passed out and was rushed to a nearby community health center (Puskesmas)

but was pronounced dead at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. [dinyatakan]
Supriyanto may have become exhausted after working twelve hours nonstop.
"Supriyanto complained of finding it hard to breathe before he passed out. 

His family said he had a history with asthma,”.
Meanwhile, in Malang, an officer passed away after finishing his work at a polling station.
Agus might have died of exhaustion after working on election day.
Social media users are mourning them, using the hashtag #MartirDemokrasi (MartyrsofDemocracy)  to honor their hard work in the election.
 “I can’t imagine how tired they must have been.
We should really appreciate how hard the @KPU_ID team has been working to prepare for this election,” @kakaoutloud tweeted on Thursday.

Many polling station working committees (KPPS) worked through the night preparing and counting votes for the presidential and legislative elections on April 17.
Neither he nor his team had slept in 29 hours as
they had to finish counting votes and complete an election report.  
I haven’t slept a minute ever since I arrived at the polling station yesterday at dusk,”

Hopefully we will able to finish the report
and submit it to the district election committee [PPK] by 11 a.m.,” he said. 
This is not the first time Syaifullah has carried out such an important task.

The 40-year-old has carried out tasks for the KPPS  since the New Order regime.
The general election marked the world biggest one-day election.

More than 190 million Indonesians are estimated to have voted
at more than 800,000 polling stations across the country,

with 5 million people manning the polling stations to count and report the election results.  
Among obstacles in counting and reporting the election results were

the difficulties incurred while checking the ballots.

Some voters have not punctured the ballot properly

so the mark was not visible,
which resulted in committee members having to check each ballot thoroughly to avoid mistakes.
Another obstacle was counting the legislative votes 
as a vote tally document consisted of 20 sheets.
In the polling station that Syaifullah coordinated, which had 138 voters,

the vote counting started at 2 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m.

Each vote was tallied on the form.
in this year's general election, the vote counting process took longer time than in the 2014 general election
because it involved more ballots.
Five years ago, people went to polling stations on separate days to vote for presidential and legislative candidates. 
Her group completed counting at 5:30 a.m. on Thursday, 16 hours after the election,

far longer than in 2014 when the counting was completed before midnight on election day. 
"It became more difficult to see the mark on the ballots later at night as we got sleepy.
Completing the election report was also complicated,"

her team had worked through the night a day before the election carrying out preparations. [bekerja sepanjang malam]

many KPPS officials had to work through the night owing to delays in ballot box
and ballot deliveries at 500 polling stations in five districts. 
had assisted at the polling station from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time, with little pay.  
“We also had to face voters who complained

because they did not receive their ballots and were unable to vote on time

she had yet to receive payment, even though the election had ended. 
the staff will receive Rp 500,000 (US$ 35.54) for their work.
“Perhaps we will receive extra pay because we worked overtime.
she hoped those elected were trustworthy

and willing to serve the people,

so that the work of millions would not be wasted. 
"We don't really need better pay or anything.

It's enough that the leaders do their job.
There's a sense of pride in seeing the election go well.

One polling officer has died from fatigue

while a number of others reportedly became ill during the 2019 election,

from the preparations to after polling day on April 17.
“There are many polling officers who got ill and one died a day before election day from exhaustion,”

the deceased officer had been working at a polling station in West Jakarta.

“There are officers who got sick in each municipality and

were admitted to hospitals.

There was more than one person in each area
he did not know the exact number of officers who have fallen ill.
most of the cases were caused by fatigue.

the workload during these elections, in which the presidential and legislative polling was conducted concurrently,

the work load was heavier and took more energy and time than previous elections.
In the 2019 simultaneous elections,

voters cast ballots to choose candidates for president

and members of the House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Representative Council (DPD) and regional legislative councils (DPRD).
“The extra workload more or less impacted the minds and strength of the officers.

Besides that, the budgets for them were also the same as in the previous elections,

although the work load was a lot more.

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