Selasa, 16 April 2019


The total area lost to wildfires this year has increased to 2,719 hectares.

the wildfires were likely to keep spreading, as  

the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) was still detecting hot spots.

Bengkalis was the hardest hit regency with 1,263 ha of burned land.

Most districts in the regency have experienced wildfires since early this year.

However, the worst wildfires were recorded on Rupat Island, where

peatland was on fire throughout February, .[lahan gambut]
causing thick smoke that spread to the city of Dumai on the Sumatran mainland.

Aside from Bengkalis, severe wildfires were reported in the east coast areas of Rokan Hilir (407 ha), Meranti (222.4 ha) and Dumai (192.25 ha).

Moreover, wildfires have ravaged 314.5 ha in Siak regency, 107.1 ha in Indragiri Hilir and 64.5 ha in Indragiri Hulu.

The fire had claimed 37.75 ha of land in Pekanbaru, 26.6 ha in Kampar, 2 ha in Rokan Hulu and 5 ha in Kuantan Singingi.

they are attempting to put down the flames through aerial firefighting with helicopters.
“The Agency (BNPB) already lent us three helicopters.

We received three [more] from private parties, and they will lend us one more.”

They will also lend one helicopter each to help with the effort.

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