Kamis, 23 Mei 2019

Female Leader of Village

A house in Pandeyan village of Bangunharjo subdistrict

It was swarmed with visitors on Tuesday. (dikerumuni)

 A resident had passed away that day, and

like in most close-knit communities, (erat – komunitas dekat)

people gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased.

Sitting on the floor of the house that

The floor was covered merely by a mat,

the residents solemnly listened to a speech delivered by their village head. (serius menyimak)

"May her family be given the strength to get through their loss,"

It’s not uncommon for village leaders to attend and even speak at such an occasion,

She is also a kindergarten teacher.

A female leader is still uncommon in Yogyakarta.

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X is the leader of the customary sultanate

He rules the province
Even him has drawn the ire of the royal family for naming his dau... (kemarahan kemurkaan)

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