Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Terminal Pula Gebang

The government and the Jakarta administration are in a dispute over the reported mismanagement of Pulo Gebang bus terminal

Jakartans are gearing up for the Idul Fitri exodus starting next week. [bersiap]

the mismanagement has led to the return of illegal bus terminals around Pulo Gebang terminal,

touted the biggest bus terminal in Southeast Asia when it opened in 2016, [digembar-gemborkan]

which had financially hurt private bus operators.

After receiving complaints from several bus operators who

They claimed that they were losing passengers because of the unofficial bus terminals.

He made a strong statement and claimed
he would take over the management of the integrated terminal if the city ignored the problem.

“I will send a letter to the city, if they do nothing about it,

we will take over [the management of the terminal],”

In the meantime, Budi asked the bus operators not to leave the intercity and interprovince Pulo Gebang terminal
while the problem was being resolved.

Illegal bus terminals usually emerge to cater to passengers who

Passangers want to find the easiest way to deal with public transportation.

Bus operator PO Nusantara claimed it had suffered losses because of the unofficial bus terminals.
“We only used to depart from Pulo Gebang.
He assumed that the passengers preferred taking unofficial buses.

He denied Minister Budi’s accusation.

He confidently claimed that the increase was because of rising trust from passengers in the terminal.

the agency had recently banned 12 from selling tickets for violating certain rules.

The violations included charging passengers more than the actual ticket fare and

 not dropping passengers at a specified destination.
The ban showed that the agency had been very strict to ensure service quality at the Pulo Gebang bus terminal

was in accordance with regulations.

the agency had also banned 892 buses from operating for committing serious violations.

Some buses deviated from set routes while others were not roadworthy.

Besides enforcing sanctions, the agency also reported on the 892 buses to the ministry.
However, the ministry had only frozen the operational permits of three buses.
“We have to be strict in order to create a deterrent effect,” he said.

Sigit, however, preferred to see Budi’s statement as a challenge.

“This is a challenge for us to improve our service, especially ahead of Idul Fitri this year,”

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