Senin, 13 Mei 2019

Pre-dawn Meal

known as “sahur on the road”

Police chief has prohibited the holding of outdoor pre-dawn meal events during Ramadan

to prevent brawls among rival groups.

Usually participants -- in such activities -- are young people - riding in motorcycle convoys where

they not only have their meals outdoors

but also give meals to passersby.

“We have prohibited any sahur on the road activities

because they can be used as meetings between rival groups.

A person died during one event.

We want to prevent such things occurring again,”

a 17-year-old high school graduate was killed during a sahur on the road event
in which

 he and his friends were participating in Kebayoran last year.

He died after being stabbed by members of another group

after the two groups had previously clashed that night.

“If our warning is not heeded, we will disperse [any sahur on the road activities]. [indahkan – bubarkan]

Just have the pre-dawn meal at home and

if you want to have a gathering

please do it in a place where it will not be disruptive,”.
Besides banning sahur on the road activities,

Police will also monitor areas prone to brawls, including the Saharjo area,

notorious for repeated clashes among residents.

Police personnel will also conduct patrols

to prevent any brawls taking place during the fasting month,

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