Kamis, 11 Juli 2019

Church Permit

Residents of Sedayu district in Bantul regency

they have protested the operation of Indonesia Pentecostal Church (GPdI) Immanuel Sedayu
in their neighborhood,

even though it has obtained a permit from the local administration.

The dispute began when church leader Tigor began the construction of his house,

which also functioned as a church, in 2003.

He had been living in the building with his family

while holding religious services.

Upon hearing that Tigor held church activities,

residents protested and vandalized his house

He was forced to sign a statement saying that

the building would only function as a residence

and not a church and

that the building’s construction would continue after another building permit is issued.  

 Tigor requested a house of worship building permit in 2017 after the Ba...

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