Senin, 01 Juli 2019

Picture Hoax Swelling

She is a former campaign team member of losing presidential pair PB-SU,
Prosecutors have asked the Court to sentence her to six years' imprisonment
for spreading hoax news.

"We ask the panel of judges to sentence the defendant, to prison for six years,
reduced by the defendant's detention period,"

She has caused unease by spreading pictures of her swollen and bruised face (gelisah)

and claiming that it had been the result of an assault.

Prosecutors charged her under Article 14 of the Criminal Code, which

The article relates to spreading false news causing public unease.

She claimed that
she had been assaulted by a group of men at an airport in Bandung,

She also suggested that
the assault was related to her campaign on behalf of Prabowo.

Police arrested her after investigating her claims.
They found that
the swelling on her face had been the result of cosmetic surgery at Bina Estetika Hospital in Menteng.
She later admitted that
there had been no assault and
she had indeed had surgery.

She has asked the judges not to politicize her case.
"The judges have promised not to politicize my case.
I will await their decision,".

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