Selasa, 02 Juli 2019

Terrorist Ponorogo

The National Police's Densus 88 counterterrorism squad arrested a terror suspect
while he was on his way to Ponorogo.
He confirmed there was an arrest in Ponorogo.

"Yes, there was an arrest [of a terror suspect],".
However, he did not elaborate on the terror group BTK was affiliated to.
"[BTK] has been taken to Jakarta. I do not know anything else.

The arrest drew attention from residents of Pohijo village, Ponorogo,

when the Densus 88 squad intercepted a car driven by BTK
on Jl. Raya Sampung connecting Wonogiri and Ponorogo.

"Some people were taking pictures [of the arrests] until officers stopped them

and asked them to delete [the pictures],".

BTK was said to have gotten out of his car
and lied down on the ground with both hands behind his neck
as armed officers handcuffed him.
BTK had rented a house in Mangunsuman subdistrict, Ponorogo, before his arrest.

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