Jumat, 19 Juli 2019

Lower Body Mass Index

Overweight police officers go through weight-loss program (menjalani)

Size does matter for the East Java Police
as they are requiring that overweight officers go through a weight-loss program .

The officers will go through a variety of activities designed to reduce body fat for 10 days.

“It’s a program to lower your body mass index (BMI) for overweight and obese personnel,”

During the program, the personnel must undergo activities aimed at reducing body fat
such as running, wearing a parachute jacket, long marches, aerobic gymnastics, swimming and other sports.

Aside from physical activities, personnel also receive psychological guidance.
“Through guidance from nutritionists and medical experts provided by East Java Police, dietary habits and menus are adjusted to help reach the goal of this program,”.

The aim of the program is for police officers to provide better service
“[So the police] are quicker and nimble in serving the public,”

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