Selasa, 18 Juni 2019

Enrollment School

Zoning isolates students who live far from schools

He and his wife have gathered together jewelry, a house ownership certificate and other possessions
as they prepare to send their first born to high school.

The family in Tanggulangin district, Sidoarjo

They only has two options:

enrolling their son in a private school, which is expensive,

or applying to good state schools in other districts,

which carries the risk that their child will be rejected because of the zoning system.

There are no state schools in their district.

The zoning system, in which schools are required to give priority to students who live in the same district,
has frustrated parents who live far from good state schools — or any state schools at all.

“The zoning system excludes my son from state schools

because there are no state schools in our district,”

He said on the sidelines of a rally organized by...


She had to take two days off work to enroll her son in school.

she visited SMAN 2 state high school in Depok for the second time.
She first arrived three hours before the school gates opened,
to make sure she was near the front of the line

“I have finished the entire registration process,” adding that
her son’s high exam scores should have meant he was able to enroll in the school on the basis of academic merit,
despite not living within close proximity to the school.

However, Eka registered her son through the zoning system,

which only considers the proximity of a student’s house to nearby schools.

She was unaware there was another option, the academic merit system.


Zoning system may kill motivation to strive for academic excellence


High school scramble:

Parents jostle to receive state school enrollment forms at state high school (berebutan)


Student enrollment in state schools is determined through a zoning system.


With this year’s school enrollment period having drawn to a close,
Governor has apologized to parents who failed to place their children in state high schools.

state high schools across the region had a limited number of students that it could enroll. 

“I apologize to parents who were unable to secure a slot for their children in state high schools
due to student enrollment limits. 

the average state high school could only take in 35 percent of the region’s middle school graduates. 
The rest may opt to enroll at private high schools.

The school enrollment process drew the ire of many parents

who complained that the school zoning system had complicated their efforts to secure a place for their children in state high schools. 
Many parents urged the government to use national exams scores as the basis for enrollment in the future.

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