Rabu, 19 Juni 2019

Out of the Blue

This it works is deemed a noble task.

one woman seized the moment to find an upright son-in-law among the deployed servicemen. (memanfaatkan)

the woman approached one of the military men to offer her daughter for marriage.

Out of the blue, it seems, she expressed her interest in having a son-in-law from the military. (tiba-tiba)

"Do you want to be my son-in-law?". 

"She often goes out alone; that worries me. She is very independent,"

she will not force her daughter to marry Gigih, or any other military officer,

she will respect the man of her own choice.

She just wanted to help Eris find the love of her life.

Responding to the offer, Gigih could only blush and smile.

His fellow soldiers teased him and laughed.
that was not the first time for him to receive such an offer while doing his job.

"I don't mind it. I take it as a joke,".
he has no plans to get married in the near future,

as he wanted to focus on his career in the military.
"I plan to get married at the age of 25,"

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