Minggu, 30 Juni 2019

Gojek Victim

Police nab ride-hailing driver for alleged abduction and extortion of female passenger

The Jakarta Police have arrested a ride-hailing driver identified as AS, 31,
for allegedly abducting, false imprisonment, attacking and extorting a female passenger.
The 22-year-old passenger, S, ordered a ride-hailing car using the Go-Jek app at around 9 p.m.
to drive her home from Plaza Indonesia to the Green Bay Pluit apartments.
AS is  a partner driver of the ride-hailing company,

He accepted the order and picked up S.

En route to the destination,

AS allegedly pulled over on Jl. Pluit Indah, 

He tied up the victim’s hands with black shoelaces

and gagged her mouth with a piece of fabric.

He then turned the car around and drove aimlessly.

“The suspect drove around with the victim

because he was looking for an ATM in a safe location for the victim to withdraw money,”.

AS then headed down the Jagorawi toll road, hoping to find a secluded ATM,

 During the trip, apparently frustrated by S’s constant screaming and her efforts to escape,

AS allegedly punched her in the face and knocked out a front tooth.
AS then took the victim to Kilometer Marker 21 of the toll road
and forced her to withdraw money from her account. S withdrew Rp 2.5 million (US$ 177.38) and handed over the money to AS.

AS then rebound her hands and forced back in the car.

He then took S to another ATM the Blok M area in South Jakarta, 
where he forced S to withdraw more money

S withdrew Rp 1.5 million from her savings account and handed it to AS,

who left her there and fled in his car.

The victim then contacted an elder sibling on her mobile phone
 – which AS had not taken
and asked to be pick up in Blok M.

On receiving S's report, the police found and arrested AS at his brother’s house.

“He was arrested without resistance.

He admitted his wrongdoing,”.

The police also gathered several items as evidence, including AS's car, the shoelace and cloth used to bind and gag the victim,

as well as the Rp 4 million he had allegedly extorted from S.
AS claimed that it was the first time he had committed a crime.

AS was in debt.
AS could be charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code on violent theft,
which carries a maximum nine years of imprisonment.

Separately, Go-Jek vice president company had terminated its partnership with AS
and supported the police in its investigation of the incident.

"We always prioritize the safety and security of Go-Jek users.

We call on the public to use the safety feature on the application

or contact the Go-Jek call center whenever they encounter any unpleasant actions,"
the company would take responsibility in covering all medical expenses for S
and would also offer legal assistance for her if needed.

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