Kamis, 27 Juni 2019

Woman Trafficing

Entin is a victim of human trafficking.

She breaks down in tears in her mother's embrace
after the two were reunited at the headquarters of the National Police's

She  was found in Selangor after escaping mistreatment by her traffickers.

It had never crossed MN’s mind that

she would be exploited by her own husband in a country far away from Indonesia,

until the 23-year-old experienced it by herself.

She went off to China to live with a husband
she had just met several weeks earlier through a matchmaker.

the husband’s family treated her well on the day she arrived
by throwing a welcoming party at their residence.

The good treatment changed drastically on the following day,

as she was asked to wake up early in the morning to do all of the household chores.
“I was also employed at a factory

that required me to work from 7 in the morning till 7 in the evening,

 “All of my salary was channeled to my mother-in-law,

who would torture me if I made a slight mistake,”.

The girl, who only completed secondary school and

She was not able to speak any foreign languages, further said

she was treated cruelly by her husband because of the language barrier.
After a while, she managed to flee back to Indonesia with the help of two Indonesian students in China,

During her stay in the country, MN could still contact her family to inform them about her situation.
MN was apparently only one of 29 Indonesian women

who fell victim to human trafficking through the marriage scheme.

she was introduced to her future husband by a matchmaker residing in Singkawang city,

The man of Chinese descent told MN that

she could marry a rich husband from China,

who would give her a large allowance every month,
as long as she was willing to follow the husband back to his home country.

MN was also promised a return trip to Indonesia every one to three months,

which never happened.
Lip Cu was actually a recruiter within a larger network of human trafficking.

The network also employs some other individuals

whose duty is to transport victims from Indonesia to their respective husbands’ families in China.

the Chinese husbands were obliged to pay the traffickers some Rp 400 million (US$28,237)
— around Rp 20 million of which would be disbursed to the victims’ families.
“These women are exploited by working long hours without receiving any money.

The husbands’ families control the victims’ income,”

two underage children being transported to China through the marriage scheme.

she had reported the findings to the police and demanded that they investigate the case thoroughly.

“We urge the police to expose the organized crime

and charge the perpetrators under the 2017 Human Trafficking Law as well as the Child Protection Law.”
Dedi confirmed separately on Monday that

the police had arrested an Indonesian citizen living in Pontianak in relation to human trafficking. 
He is suspected to be a recruiter, and has secured around Rp 70 million

since he first started the job in May this year.
Eight other Chinese citizens were also arrested in the operation,

they were later transferred to the immigration office to be repatriated to China.

One of the foreigners acted as a marriage guardian,
while the other seven men were looking for Indonesian wives.

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