Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

A year evaluation

Many describe his victory last year as the result of him riding the Islamist wave.

 A year has gone by and many have yet to forget this, as expressed through social media.

Some are legitimate criticisms, others are just noise. (gaduh)

To evaluate the governor’s first year is to first filter out all this noise.

We llook at how he fulfills his promises (or not),

We asked whether he has lived up to fears about him being a divisive leader.

Ther is only a few in a city of some 10 million inhabitants. (penduduk)

Their political contracts with Anies have been a fascinating subject for domestic and international researchers. 

they still face high uncertainty about their future.

Anies has also failed at gaining the trust of religious and ethnic minorities.

Pribumi (native Indonesians) to become the masters in their own land.

His policy on clean water has shown that he can pay attention to crucial matters in Jakarta, but progress has been slow.

But, again, it has only been a year, and he still has a lot to prove.

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