Senin, 28 Januari 2019

Snake Flood - Python

A 3.5 m python made a surprise appearance at housing complex in ..

purportedly after getting carried there by floodwaters.

The wild animal bit a homeowner.

The homeowner was trying to catch it.

He first noticed the snake in the kitchen of his house.

Surrounding floodwaters were receding after heavy rainfall in the area.

With help from neighbors, it took him 5 minutes to capture the snake.

But before it bit him on his right arm.

He caught the snake barehanded. [tangan kosong]

We panicked when we discovered a big snake in our house.

The snake is being put into a cat’s cage.

It will be sold to raise money for his medical treatment. [untuk berobat]

The wound is one centimeter deep. He got six stitches because of the bite. [jahitan]


Personnel of Fire and Rescue Agency have found and removed a 3-meter python.

The python has entered a local resident's house.

The snake was found at the house of Sukmana.

The python entered the ventilation pipe, which has a diameter of 2.5 inches,

After receiving reports from residents, the team deployed a light rescue unit comprising five personnel to remove the reptile.

The workers managed to get it out of the vent after an hour by using a customized snake-catching stick.
The snake will be used to train new personnel at Fire and Rescue Agency.
This finding is just one of a number of similar cases that have occurred during this rainy season.

Last week, workers found a 5-meter-long python in a River in Kalideres,

Previously a 3-meter python was also removed after being caught.

It was caught under a water pipe near a low-cost apartment complex in North Jakarta.


Floods have swept pythons into residential areas in greater Jakarta.

When? In the last three days.

With two appearing in Koja.

Koko is a resident of neighborhood unit RT 01 – community unit RW 03.

He found 2 pythons on street ..

The pythons might struggle with the flooding. [berusaha mengatasi]

So they leave their nests.

He recalled ..he claimed …

The snakes were found in different places at different times.

This first was found inside a water channel. [saluran air]

While the other was found by the river.

He was able to tame [menjinakkan] the pythons when locals tried to catch the animal.

Adding that .. [seraya menambahkan]

The snakes appeared quite regularly in the area during rainy season. [agak sering]

Wet season, rainy season, dry season.

There has yet to be any encounters (between locals and phytons).

The appearance of pythons is worrisome because ..
Many children live here.

Previously, a 4-meter python, which was purportedly carried by floodwaters, 

The python also made a surprise appearance in a housing complex in West Jakarta.

Another python also made an appearance in a housing complex in Bekasi.

The python bit M. He was trying to catch it. 

While on Jan. 14, South Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency personnel removed a 4-meter-long snake from a house's plumbing system in Lenteng Agung.

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