Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Church Permit

There was a misunderstanding behind the rejection of a new church in Jaga.

The dispute was settled.

The 7 banners have been removed.

The banners were placed in front of the church by protestors.

The incident started when several mass organizations rejected w foundation’s request.

It requested to transform a house in the area into a church for GKI congregation.

We have gathered local figures, police, and military personnel to discuss the issue.

The banners have also been removed.

There has been a misunderstanding over the establishment of a church.

He called on the public to refrain from taking any discriminatory actions and

To pass on any objects to a related organization.

They can go to the FKUB or a religious leader.

If the issue is sensitive, it would be better to discuss it together.

Local figures, local residents, and members of interfaith community discussed the requirements for developing a church.

The requirements were based on a 2006 joint regulation passed by the ministry.

The regulation stipulates that such a request must collect at least 60 signatures of supports before . .

It can be signed by a village head or subdistrict head for approval.

It must also provide a copy of the identity cards of 90 congregants in a document.

The document must be signed by local leader, as well as

A written recommendation from the FKUB at the municipality or regency level.

The foundation reportedly was unable to meet the requirements.

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