Kamis, 03 Januari 2019


MRT will operate the first rapid transit system in Indonesia.

It is upbeat on (optimis) commencing the development of the second phase of the MRT mid-January.

Despite challenges to find a location for the train’s depot.

The co pushed back the groundbreaking ceremony to January from … (menunda)

From the initial plan of holding the ceremony in December. (rencana awal)

The groundbreaking will be in January.

Although the Jak administration has yet to decide on the location of depot, work can still go ahead.

He expected the service to be completed in 2024 before

Before the service is fully operational in …

Work will begin by constructing a receiving substation at Monas compound.

It will be constructed at a cost of Rp. …

The RSs will be developed 20 meters underground to power the service.

initially, the plan was to connect the 8.3 km HI to Kampung route.

However, land acquisition problems hinder the process, (menghalangi)

Prompting the administration to find an alternative location.

The location will also be designed as the train’s depot.

The city admin has decided to make Kota the final station.

The possible station to replace Kampung will be near the BMW multipurpose stadium.

When operational, the MRT has promised that it will take passengers no longer than 15 minutes to travel from HI to its final destination.

It will run through seven stations, namely …,( yaitu)

The work should have begun in Dec last year, but the co failed to find a qualified firm during the tender prosess.

Of the 5 applicants, none met all the requirements, particularly on the provision equipment.

This particular project is dubbed (dijuluki) construction package (CP) 200,

This project is specifically allocated for an Indonesian firm as part of a loan agreement between ..

The aim is to transfer technology and knowledge to an Indonesian co.

The co expects the tender process to be completed by 2020.

The budget is also bigger than the first phase even though the distance is shorter.

She cited (mengutip - menyebut) soil conditions is fully underground as the reason for the cost.

It will be developed near crucial areas, namely …so it requires extra caution.

Along the line, there are also some historic buildings.

The MRT is expected to encourage motorists to use public transportation.

The administration has set an ambitious target to make 60 percent of travel in the capital by public transportation from the current 24 percent.

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