Rabu, 16 Januari 2019

Aussie Drug

He was an employee of a Mal airline.

He was one among 8 people.

They were arrested on charges of trafficking more than 14 kg of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.

The suspect worked for Mal Air, a subsidiary of LA.

He has been suspended with immediate effect pending termination.

The co stands ready to cooperate with all the relevant authorities be it in Aussie or in Malay in this regard. (siap bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan).
He was an airline crew member.

He was part of a group that brought drugs from Malay for sale in Ussie cities.

Police seized some 14 kg of drugs when the suspects were rounded up. (menyita – dibekuk).

Intelligence would tell us that ..

This crew has been operating for some years. I would say 5 plus.

Aussie is a lucrative market for suppliers of drugs from Southeast Asia.

It has one of the world’s highest per-capita rates of methamphetamine use.

They have made the 8 arrests over the past 10 days,

They have been detaining four women and four men aged between 26 and 55 in and around Melbourne.

They appeared in court on drug trafficking charges.

No pleas were entered and they will next appear on May 15.
They seized 6 kg of heroin, 8 kg of methamphetamines, 500 grams of cocaine, along with

Along with a "significant quantity" of cash and a Porsche Macan SUV and Mini Cooper car. 

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