Senin, 21 Januari 2019

Poisoning Duren & Animal

W woman who is identified as R,

She has been named a murder suspect after allegedly beating  ..

She allegedly beat her 1.5 yo son to death. [beat to death]

He was her second child from a second failed marriage.

She hated the victim because she was unwanted biological child.

The mother admitted that she had attacked her own child with bare hands. [tangan kosong]

She was living with her third husband.

He claimed he did not know that his stepchild was being abused because ..[anak angkat bawaan]

She would only hit him when he was at work. [only – when]

Meanwhile, neighbors have testified that

They regularly heard the child screaming but did nothing to interfere. [tidak campur tangan] – heard x screaming

There was no effort in stopping the abuse.

The lived in a rented house, so [rumah kontrakan sewa]

There was not a lot of interference in their family’s life.

He died en route to the hospital .

He had visible bruises on his back and face.

An autopsy will be carried out on the child’s body.

An autopsy will be carried out to discern a cause of death.

Meanwhile, she will undergo psychological tests.

She has been charged under [dikenai tuduhan atas] article 80(3) of Law No. 23/2002 on child protection and Article 44(3) on Law No. 23/2004 on domestic violence eradication,

The law carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.


A public minivan driver was found dead.

The police suspected the cause was durian overconsumption.

He has high blood pressure.

He has eaten a large quantity of durian on Friday night before he died.

The victim is thought to have died [diperkirakan] because of high blood pressure and having eaten durian which …

Which caused his blood vessels to rupture [pembuluh darah pecah]

And his nose to bleed.   [cause to + infinitive]

The victim was found inside the minivan by his friends.

They had not seen him since Saturday morning.

From the result of our investigation, there were no signs of physical abuse. [dari hasil penyelidikan tak ditemukan tanda-tanda]

It was from his family members and witnesses (that we learned) the victim had high blood pressure.

The victim was transported to the residence of his family.

His family rejected a post-mortem autopsy.

The family directly buried him in is hometown of Ciamis.

Many believe that ..

Eating durian in large amounts can trigger higher blood pressure.

She is a nutrition specialist.

Research on healthy people showed that

Consuming 500 grams of durian could increase blood pressure.

Medical science needed more research to confirm the connection.

Durian had good fatty acids.

It was also relatively high in potassium,

Which could lead to high blood pressure.


Palu earthquake victims suffer food poisoning at shelter

Palu earthquake victims suffer food poisoning at shelter. [keracunan di penampungan]

Dozens of people were displaced by a recent earthquake.

They have been hospitalized for reported poisoning after consuming donated food.

He was one of the food poisoning victims.

The food was distributed to the shelter at around 11 am local time.

The displaced people (pengungsi) did not feel anything strange [tidak merasakan keanehan]
As they ate the food.

But an hour later they started to feel dizzy and nauseous. [

The victims – mostly children – were rushed to Hospital.

Hospital has recorded that at least 38 people had been admitted to the hospital,

while others were taken to other hospitals.

“Every single one of them complained about feeling dizzy and nauseous. [pusing dan mual]

By Sunday, more than half of the food poisoning victims had been discharged.

He visited the victims at the hospital.

Everyone should ensure that the food and drinks they donated were safe for consumption.
“I thank everyone who took part in helping the displaced people through their donations;

but people, at the same time, have to remain vigilant before consuming [the food], - waspada.

Samples of the food had been taken to medical laboratory for examination,.

It remains unclear who sent the food to the shelter.



He is a pit bull terrier.

He allegedly commanded his dog to attack a security guard.

He has been named a suspect.

Now we are completing the investigation documents.

The results of the investigation of the evidence and witnesses’ testimony indicated that ..

He allegedly commanded his dog to attack security guard.

7 witnesses question by the police include another security guard who recorded the incident.

The evidence included, among others, the dog and the victim’s medical check report.

He is now facing charges [tuntutan tuduhan berdasarkan atau sesuai dengan] under article 335 of the crime conduct on unpleasant action.
And …on negligence causing injury to other people,

The charge carries a maximum punishment of 5 years imprisonment.

The incident occurred on ..

He took his pit bull terrier..

Hid dog was not on a leash.

He took it for a walk around his house.

He told he need to have his dog on leash because ..

It could scare other residents.

He allegedly took offense and commanded the dog to attacked him.

He sustained an injury.


A young boy was mauled by a dingo at a popular tourist island in eastern Australia, with his father saying the wild dog and its pack "wanted blood". [haus darah]

He is in a stable condition.

He was attacked ruing a family trip to ..

The family had finished swimming when he said he wanted to race up a sand dune.

Unfortunately, when he got to the top, there was a pack of 4 dingoes. [serombongan]

 "One of the dingoes attacked the boy and bit him on the leg."

The boy was treated by paramedics and flown to a nearby hospital. [rumah sakit terdekat]

He was running up the dune with his mother when the dingoes saw him and

They went straight into the chase-and-kill instinct".
"They wanted blood,"

"I heard him screaming, bone-chilling screams of terror and fear and pain, and turned around and saw him set upon and dragged down by this pack of dingoes.

It was out-of-control, vicious, terrifying. [ganas]

"He has severe puncture wounds [luka tusukan], bite and teeth marks, to both his legs.

One dingo had him by the leg and was trying to drag him off down the sand."

He managed to pull his son from the dogs within seconds and carry him off.
Fraser, the world's largest sand island, is popular with tourists for its beaches -- and dingoes.

Authorities have warned visitors in the past that

dingoes are wild animals and need to be treated as such.

Tourists are also told to keep children close by, to not run, and to not to feed the dingoes.

A nine-year-old boy was killed by one of the dogs in 2001.

A dingo was put down by Queensland authorities last year after

a woman and a child were bitten in separate incidents.

Native to Australia, dingoes came under the spotlight with the disappearance of baby Azaria, in 1980
for which her mother Lindy was convicted of murder and her father, Michael, of being an accessory.
The convictions were overturned in 1988 after the chance find of a piece of Azaria's clothing near a dingo lair. [sarang]

A landmark court ruling in 2012 found that a dingo did snatch [merebut] their baby from a tent.

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