Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

Univ Harrasment

As an alumna of XXX, in particular the school (faculty) of y,

I am proud of my juniors, abuse survivors.

They spoke up about their case.

They began something that would be a good change in one of oldest univ.

Next year, univ will be 70 years old.

The old central building (Gedung pusat) still stands gracefully (dengan anggun), but ..

The campus has also seen rapid changes.

Last year, I went there and did not recognize my own school.

Besides having Joko among the alumni, ..

It has produced many other people who champion human rights and gender equality.

I am proud to call many of them my friends.

Now, it is time for univ to lead the change in …
The change in how campuses in Indonesia deal with abuses within their jurisdiction.

Do not hush (mendiamkan menutupi) victims, encourage them.

Do not blame the victims and sweep the reports under its ancient rug.

Listen to the demand of students –

Bright young people who would preserve the grace of Gedung Pusat while making the world better.

UGM has a chance to make history and the time is now.

She was attacked while sleeping fully clothed and wearing her headscarf.

She was attacked by a fellow student during a community service assignment.

In less than 24 hours, a petition garnered about 60 thousands signatures.

The case was under investigation by an independent team from UGM since last year.

The team recommended punishment for the perpetrator and help for the victim.

He had to write a letter of apology signed by the parents and get mandatory counseling designed for abusers.

However, the victim and many who support her find the punishment to be too lenient.

They demand that H be expelled.

The team lacked legal ground to recommend the univ expel HS.
Many were also angry that the victim had to strive at length to secure recognition that …

She was indeed raped (benar-benar).

He put his fingers into her genital, which according the definition of sexual violence, was rape.

Her friends encouraged her to report her case to the community service supervisor.

The supervisor decided to send HS back to Jogja, but also blamed the victim for what happened.

An official even told her to repent.

Months later, the victim learned (mengetahui) she got a c for the assigment, ..while others got As or Bs.

The supervisor and others in charge of the program agreed to give her a C because …

Both H and the victim had contributed to that incident.

The incident embarrassed univ in front of the locals.

Two years ago, I met an abuse survivor from Univ.

She was a brave woman.

She wanted me to write her story that ..

She was abused by a lecturer whom she respected and admired.

Her lecture is my senior and I know him. He then headed the department.

She decided to report him to the school after …

She heard other victims had spoken out.

He was no longer the department head

And investigation team was formed.

Debates among officials ensued about ..

What they should do about the lecturer.

He was not fired.

The survivor once ran into him in the basement parking lot.

I don’t think he should still have been on campus.

How would his other victims react when they saw him?

I haven’t heard if he was dismissed from his position as a lecturer.

At the same time, however, I saw some positive progress in my alma mater.

Sexual abuse at Uni surely already occurred years ago.
But none of the cases were ever made public.

During my years at Univ in the 1990s, ..

I could not imagine that a student reporting such a powerful lecturer would get support from other lecturers.

The patriarchy was even stronger (bahkan).

Most students were not as well versed about (fasih berbicara) gender equality as they are now.

I feel optimistic that changes are coming to uni  because I know some of the lecturer at the school.

I also feel optimistic that …
My alma mater could be the institution at the forefront of these changes.

These women and men are perceptive  (tanggap) enough to know that times have changed.
, so Uni must change too.

They are people who want to make UGM a safe educational institution.

They are people who want UGM to be a true educational institution, (which is ) meaning it has the responsibility to teach the students (and the lecturers, too), that …
touching other people’s bodies without their permission is sexual abuse and ..

a well-respected institution like UGM should not tolerate abusers.
I am certain Uni can rise to the occasion and

Uni can be a shining example for other universities to make campuses safe spaces free of sexual abuse.

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