Senin, 21 Januari 2019

Plastic Bali Waste Piling

People sunbathe on Sunday on Kuta Beach in Bali,

where waste is piled up along the shore.

Waste piling up on the beach is an annual problem in Bali during the monsoon season, when strong winds push marine flotsam onto the shore.

Waste is piled up along the shore. [menumpuk menggunung]

Waste piling up [tumpukan] on the beach is an annual problem during the  monsoon season, when …[musim penghujan]

Strong winds push marine flotsam onto the shore. [plural wind]

While battling against [sembari berjuang melawan] the plastic…

The plastic has besieged its waters. [mengepung perairan]

Bali is preparing a bylaw. [peraturan]

The bylaw will impose a US $10 levy on foreign tourists. [impose on – mengenakan pungutan]

The administration has drafted a bylaw on tourist contributions  for the environment and cultural preservation. [s pelestarian budaya]

It has been discussed with the legislative council since Dec.

The revenue from the tourist tax will be allocated to fund programs on preserving the environment and Balinese culture.

 This will give us better fiscal space to support the development of Bali.

Bali is a renowned tourist destination.

It welcomed 33 m foreign tourists last year,

Most of tourists came from China and Aussie.

The number was expected to exceed 6 m in 2018.

This province hosted international events.

The province is also battling against the growing volume of plastic waste.

The plastic waste has polluted its beaches and waters.

The island produced 3,8 tons of waste everyday, with only 60 percent ending up in landfill.

Plastic waste became so unbearable that ..[tak tertahankan]

The administration banned single-use plastics like ….shopping bags, straws,

The ban, as stipulated in Regulation no …
The ban is expected to result in a 70 percent decline in  plastic found ..

In Bali’s marine environment within a year.

He is optimistic that the tax would not discourage tourists from visiting the island. [menyurutkan]

Tourists will understand the regulation.

They will be happy to pay as ..

It will be used to strengthen our environment and culture.

Bali is not the only tourist destination to have imposed a tax on travelers.

This year, japan also started collecting a departure tax, known as the sayonara tax of 1 yen.

But the levy applies to [berlaku] both Japanese and foreign travelers leaving the country by plane or ship.

The policy will be imposed only on [impose on] foreign tourists, not domestic tourists. Because …

Because of a directive from the central government.

Central government has targeted B as [target as] the pilot project on a waste management system in a tourist destination.

Most foreigners come to B for a holiday.

Local tourists only come to visit their family, have meetings, or for their institution’s events.

The subject of the levy was still under discussion.

They are considering whether ..

The levy should be included in the airline ticket or

The levy should be collected at a special counters at the airport.

The first option is seen as more feasible with the help of airlines.

 The plan on the foreign tourist levy is supported by local leaders.

Contributions from them are needed to help us to preserve our environment and culture.

They come to enjoy our environment and culture.

Why not contribute to preserving it? [ to + ing]

The group was not worried that the levy would deter tourists.

Will = akan
Would = kemungkinan akan

As long as …..

It think it would not cause a decline in tourist numbers.

However, if there is no real program following the implementation ..

Tourists may feel disappointed [bisa jadi]

Might = kemungkinan

It would lead to a decrease in tourist arrivals.

He also warmly welcomed the plan, saying that …

it would not discourage tourists from visiting Bali. [discourage from]

If it could be implemented now, that would be really good," Ardana said.

"Actually, it has been discussed in Bali for a long time.

$10 is not a large amount of money for tourists.

"Other countries also charge foreign tourists.

I think $10 won't affect them.

 If we visit Dubai, we should pay $11 per person and we pay it.

He also support the initiative.  
A study in 2015 found that 60 percent of foreign tourists were willing to pay for the conservation of nature and culture. [bersedia]

"Most foreign tourists think it is necessary to preserve nature,"

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