Senin, 21 Januari 2019


Two motorcycle riders, identified as Arif and Sigit,.

They died after being hit by the commuter trains.

The accident occurred on the Bogor to Jakarta commuter line.

They were riding on a motorcycle together.

They were traveling from x to y.

As they approached the railway crossing, the gate was down bring motorists from crossing over.

However, the 2 went passed (menerobos) the gate by ducking their head (menyundulkan).

As they approached the railway crossing,

They crossed the gate and were run over by trains coming in opposite directions.

It is not clear who was driving the motorbike and who was the passenger.

Moreover, the 2 victims were run over by train.

The train was traveling from B to J.

And then hit again by another train heading to B from J. [mengarah ke]

The victims were knocked away, [terpental]

While the motorcycle was dragged for up to 100 meters. [terseret]

The victims were taken to their respective family homes to be buried. [rumah masing-masing keluarga].

The incident disrupted train services on several routes as ..

Authorities limited travel to one track causing

Causing congestion on the train line. [kemacetan].


He is a plastic-waste mill worker.

He was found dead inside a milling machine at his workplace. [penggilingan]

He was feeding plastic waste into the mill machine with a partner.

He was milling waste such as plastic buckets and other stuff. [ember]

His post was above the machine,

While his partner was at the lower part of the machine to collect the output.

Suddenly, his friend realized that the machine had stopped.

And there was a lot of blood coming from the machine.

He climbed up to see him.

And he found him already inside the machine.

He has traveled from his hometown in java to find work.

He was probably not physically fit at that time. [tengah tak enak badan]

He often stayed up late. [begadang]

Maybe he was sleepy and

Then slipped into the machine. [tergelincir]

The police are investigating and plan to interrogate the mill’s owner.

We have to ensure that worker safety is guaranteed by the employer.

His body was released his family for a funeral.

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