Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Billboard Propose

He proposed to his gf Hollywood style, popping (memunculkan) the question on a 16-meter tall billboard on one of Jakarta’s busiest streets.

The billboard proposal up from Mon to Tues read:

Happy birthday my love. Will you marry me?

He got on his knees in front of the billboard.

She gladly accepted his proposal.

Of course, I am happy. I am being proposed to.

I wasn’t even expecting it.

So I teared up a bit (when I saw the billboard).

She thought he was only picking her up for a birthday lunch.

It turned out he brought her to Jln. Gatsu and proposed to her there, under billboard.

She is a doctor.

She posted picture of her with her engagement ring ..

And another with him on his knees as she beamed with happiness.

He was simply trying to show he was willing to take their one-year-relationship to the next level. (jenjang lebih lanjut).

It is simple really.

I just want to show her that ..

I want to bring this to another level.

The photo of the billboard went viral,

With netizen swooning over his grand gesture of love.

Underneath the picture was the name of his company – eo PT X.

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