Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Nobel 2018

He is a Congolese doctor - Denis Mukwege

She is a Yazidi campaigner - Nadia Murad

They won the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize for …

Their work in fighting sexual violence in conflicts around the world.

The pair won the award for …

Their effort to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.

She is unveiling the winners in Oslo. (menyingkap – mengumumkan)

A more peaceful world can only achieved if …

Women, their fundamental rights and security are recognized and protected in war.

He is a doctor, and she is (the other) a former Islamic state sex slave.

They both have come to represent the struggle against a global scourge. (momok menakutkan)

A global scourge goes well beyond any single conflict.

Allegations of sexual abuse, rape, and harassment have toppled dozens if powerful men.

By recognizing their work, …. 

the committee has placed a spotlight on the use of sexual violence in war as a global problem.

…weapon of mass destruction. 

He was recognized for 2 decades of work to help women.

He helps women recover from their violence and trauma of sexual abuse and rape in the war-torn eastern.  

Women, children, and even babies just a few months old.

He has treated tens to thousands of victim of rape at hospital which he founded in 1999 in Kivu.

He is known as Doctor Miracle.

He is an outspoken critic of the abuse of women during war.

He has described rape as a weapon of mass destruction.

He is the foremost (terkemuka), most unifying symbol, both nationally and internationally- of …

The struggle to end sexual violence in war and arm and conflicts.

She was one of thousands of Yazidi women and girls.

They were abducted, raped, and brutalized by jihadist during their assault. (diculik)
UN has described it as genocide.

 Her nightmare began when the jihadist stormed her village.

From there, she was taken to Mosul.

There, she was repeatedly gang-rape, tortured, and beaten. (disiksa)

The first thing they did was force them to convert to Islam.

After conversion, they did whatever they wanted.

After her escape, she quickly became a figurehead for efforts to protect Yazidi community.

She was later named a UN ambassador for victims of human trafficking.

She has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own suffering and speaking up on behalf of other victims.

She refused to accept the social codes that …

Social codes require women to remain silent and ashamed of the abuses to which they have been subjected.

Personal security at risk

Both he and her have put their personal security at risk by …

Focusing attention on and combating such war crimes.

He is the helper.

He has devoted his life to defending these victims.

She is the witness who ..

She tells of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others.

Each of them – in their owned way – has helped to give greater visibility to war-time sexual violence, so that ..

The perpetrators can be held accountable.

Whether in Africa, the Middle East or Myanmar,
Rape has been used against hundreds of thousands of people

The rape has been used either as a weapon of war or tool in the oppression on minorities.

The movement rose up a year ago and has since swept the globe, has also had a very sobering effect. (serius).

it is important that women leave the concept of shame and speak out

the movement prompted the Swedish Academy to postpone this year's Literature Prize for the first time in 70 years.

Mukwege and Murad will share the prestigious prize of a gold medal, a diploma and a cheque for nine million Swedish kronor  -- almost $1 million or 863,000 euros.

The award will be presented at a ceremony in Oslo on December 10,

It will be the anniversary of the death of prize creator Alfred Nobel, a Swedish philanthropist and scientist.

He died in 1896.

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