Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

Stabbed to Death - Sahur Brawl

Members of a motorbike gang stabbed five men without reason.

The victims were waiting for sahur (predawn meal).
The victims are all undergoing treatment at Citama Hospital.

The victims were hanging out while waiting for sahur at around 2.30 a.m. prior to the violence.

The attackers immediately ran away after stabbing the five men.
“Some people in the area woke up and took them to the hospital.

The police were investigating and searching for the perpetrators.


There was a brawl over the weekend.

The brawl has claimed the life on a 17 yo.

The incident involved youths from x and y.

He is a resident of Sereal.

 He died after being stabbed several times [berkali-kali]

He said in a statement, according to .. [rujukan]

He – along with 3 friends – stopped at a gas station fill up their 2 motorcycles. [ stop at – to]

Then they passed through x alley where a group of youths hanging out. [melewati gang]

While passing through the area, they taunted the group. [mengejek]

The group then chased and threw rocks at them. [mengejar]

While being chased [saat dikejar], the victim fell off his motorbike [terjatuh].

The perpetrators pounched  on him [menerkam] and stabbed him to death.

He was rushed to a nearby health community center

Before being transferred to General Hospotal.

The police have arrested 13 people allegedly involved in the case [diduga terlibat]

6 of whom are accused of being the mastermind behind the murder.

After conducting tests, three of them tested positive for drugs,

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