Kamis, 31 Januari 2019

Trash into River

A man called = a man named X

He was fined for throwing garbage into Kali.

He was fined Rp. X for violating Bylaw No. 333 on waste management. [fine for]

He was caught dumping a bucket of household trash into the river. [tertangkap membuang sampah rumahtangga]

when a river cleaning officer was on duty nearby.[bertugas di sekitarnya]

The officer, standing in ankle-deep water nearby, watched the man empty his dust bin.

His act was caught on camera.

His photo was posted on their official Instagram account.

The post attracted more than 700 comments, most of which condemned the man’s act.

“This is an example of an act that should never happen in any part of the Earth.

In an ironic act, a man intentionally threw a bucket of trash into a river

“when an officer was on duty,” the photo's caption read.

The banks of the Kali Krukut are crowded with houses.

Many of the residents reportedly have a habit of throwing their garbage into the river,

despite the city administration’s daily efforts to clean it.

As a consequence, floating trash and stink [bau] have become an everyday reality around the area.

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